Rédaction anglais

Publié le 24 févr. 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 26 févr. 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

Le sujet est de raconter une histoire d'environ 150 mots.
Pourriez vous me corriger.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

C'est l'histoire d'un homme, marié et ayant un enfant âgé de 5 ans, qui a vider toutes ses économie en achetant des machines médicales (scanner hight tech). Pensant qu'il fera fortune en les vendant, c'est tout le contraire qu'il lui est arrivé. En effet il a du mal a gagner sa vie, mais sa femme supporte de moins en moins leur précarité. Elle finit par le quitter lui et leur petit garçon de cinq ans.
Désormais il est seul a élever son fils et se démène pour décrocher un job, sans succès. Incapable de régler son loyer, il se retrouve à la rue avec Christopher. Le père et le fils dorment dans des foyers ou des gares. Ils vivent au jour le jour. Lorsqu'il obtient finalement un stage dans une prestigieuse firme de courtage, il se donne à fond, même si pour le moment il n'est pas payé. Mais un job est prévu au meilleur de la promotion. Étant le seul noir de cette promotion, le formateur ne veut pas qu'il réussisse et pour cela il ne cesse de lui mettre des « battons dans les roues ». Au final, Il décroche ce job de courtier et gagne bien sa vie, mais il n'a pas oublié les moments difficiles qu'il a vécut et dépense une partie de sa fortune pour venir en aide aux démunis.

It is the story of a man, married who has a child aged of 5 years, which has emptied all his economy by purchasing medical machinery (scanner hight tech). Thinking that he will make fortune by selling them, it's just the opposite happened to him. Indeed he has dificulty to win his life, but his wife can not bear to live in precariousness. She ends up leaving him and their little boy of five years.
Henceforth, he is alone to bring up his son and he struggles to get a job, unsuccessfully. Unable to pay his rent, he finds himself in the street with his son. The father and son sleep in shelters or stations. They live from day to day. When he obtains finally a training course in a prestigious firm of brokerage, he gives himself completely, even if for the moment he is not paid. But a job is planned to the best of the promotion. Being the only black of this promotion, the trainer does not want that he succeeds and for that he does not stop putting to him "des battons dans les roues." In the end, he wins the job of broker and earns a good living, but he has not forgotten the hard times he has lived and spends a part of his fortune to help the poor.

Pouvez-vous me donner la traduction de "mettre des batons dans les roues".

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 25 févr. 2010
ok je vais te corriger patiente 10 min et je t'envoie la reponse
Posté le 25 févr. 2010
This is the story of a man who is married and who has a child who is 5, which has emptied all his economy by purchasing medical machinery (scanner hight tech). Thinking that he will make fortune by selling them, it's just the opposite happened to him. Indeed he has dificulty to win his life, but his wife can not bear to live in precariousness. She ends up leaving him and their little boy.
Henceforth, he is alone to bring up his son and he struggles to get a job, unsuccessfully. Unable to pay his rent, he finds himself in the street with his son. The father and the son sleep in shelters or stations. They live from day to day. When he obtains finally a training course in a prestigious firm of brokerage, he gives himself completely, even if for the moment he is not paid. But a job is planned to the best of the promotion. Being the only black of this promotion, the trainer does not want that he succeeds and for that he does not stop putting to him to throw a spanner in the works. At the end, he wins the job of broker and earns a good living, but he has not forgotten the hard times he has lived and spends a part of his fortune to help the poor.

voilà mais je pense sue tu devrais traduire toi-même avec un dico au lieu de le faire traduire sur internet genre "google traduction"
Posté le 25 févr. 2010
voila le corrigé
It is the story of a man, married who has a child aged of 5 years, which has emptied all his economy by purchasing medical machinery (scanner hight tech). Thinking that he will make fortune by selling them, it's just the opposite happened to him. Indeed he has dificulty to win his life, but his wife can not bear to live in precariousness. She ends up leaving him and their little boy of five years.
Henceforth, he is alone to bring up his son and he struggles to get a job, unsuccessfully. Unable to pay his rent, he finds himself in the street with his son. The father and son sleep in shelters or stations. They live from day to day. When he obtains finally a training course in a prestigious firm of brokerage, he gives himself completely, even if for the moment he is not paid. But a job is planned to the best of the promotion. Being the only black of this promotion, the trainer does not want that he succeeds and for that he does not stop putting to him "des battons dans les roues." In the end, he wins the job of broker and earns a good living, but he has not forgotten the hard times he has lived and spends a part of his fortune to help the poor

a+ ++
Posté le 25 févr. 2010

Le principe du site est d'aider et non pas de recopier bêtement les devoirs et les réponses des autres ...
Si c'est pour obtenir des points sans travailler tu n'a rien à faire ici .
C'est un site sérieux avec des personnes qui ont besoin d'aide.

C'est un conseil que je te donne ,il serait préférable que tu t'abstienne de ce genre de réponse ...
Posté le 25 févr. 2010
Voici quelques améliorations mais ce n'est pas parfait sinon cela paraitrait louche pour les profs!

This is the story of a man who is married and has got a 5 year old child. He has spent all his savings purchasing medical machinery (scanner hight tech). He had thought to make a fortune by selling them but unfortunately it's just the opposite which happened to him. Indeed he has dificulty to earn his leaving, His wife cannot stand living in precariousness. She ends up leaving him and their little boy.
Henceforth, he is alone to bring up his son and he struggles to get a job, unsuccessfully. Unable to pay his rent, he finds himself in the street with his son. The father and son sleep in shelters or stations. They live from day to day. When hefinally obtains a training course in a prestigious brokerage firm, he gives himself completely, even if for the moment he is not paid. But a job is planned to the best of the promotion. Since he is the only black of the promotion, the trainer does not want him to succeed and that's why he does not stop putting a spoke on his wheel. At the end, he wins the job of broker and earns a good living, but he has not forgotten the hard times he had lived and spends a part of his fortune to help the poor.

Bon courage!

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