Publié le 30 mai 2012 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 6 juin 2012 dans 11A
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Sujet du devoir

Bjr voila mon exercice:
1.Alison's cat was born in 2000.
2.Her favourite horse died in 2005.
3.Her father bought a new horse las february.
4.She started going to her high school last september
5.She had her riding lesson last monday.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Pouvais me dire si c'est bon!??? s'il vous plait??

1.Alison's cat was born in 2000 ago.
2.Her favourite horse died in 2005 ago.
3.Her father bought a new horse las february ago.
4.She started going to her high school last september ago.
5.She had her riding lesson last monday ago.
Merci d'avance!!

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 31 mai 2012

tu ne peux pas utiliser AGO avec un moment précis dans le temps, il te faut une période couverte pour utiliser ce mot.
Ainsi, cela donnerait:
1) Alison's cat was born 12 years ago.
2) Her favourite horse died 7 years ago.
3) Her father bought a new horse 4 months ago.
4) She started going to school 9 months ago.
5) She had her riding lesson a week ago.
Posté le 31 mai 2012

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