to buy a computer

Publié le 3 mai 2012 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 10 mai 2012 dans 11A

Sujet du devoir

You have decided to buy a new computer. You are in a computer store, talking with a young employee. You want some information
and ask a lot of questions about the type of computer, the screen, the printer and the antivirus. Write the dialogue.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

* hello sir . can you help me ??

*Yes I would like to buy a computer and I hesitate very much.

* What are you looking for exactly?

* I'm looking for a rather good computer but not very expensive.

*Well, there is this computer which is one of the last out

*It is very nice, but what is the difference with this one?

*this is 70 dinars more expensive! But it is a LED display

* to be honest with you, I don't see the difference between a plain screen and a LED display? Can you tell me more about it??

*The screen will be brighter on the LED and the image will be much better

*All right, they are both sold with Windows 7?

*Yes, the pc with screen LED has an integrated antivirus so you can sur safely compared with that this

*It is very useful that effectively, what is this antivirus?

*It is avast, it is powerful, fast, and works very well !

*and what about the printer ??

*You have that this, it is a Samsung, it has two functions scan and fax any document.

*So here I am equipped to work well !

*Yes effectively!

*I thank you, spend a good day, goodbye

*Goodbye Sir !

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