Rapport de stage en anglais

Publié le 27 mai 2013 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 3 juin 2013 dans 10A

Sujet du devoir


J'ai un examen oral d'anglais vendredi j'ai préparer quelques phrases mais je ne suis pas sur que celles-ci soit justes pourriez vous me les corriger ?

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

During my second year of BTS assistant pme- pmi I undertake a period of training for 6 weeks in the company Mr Bricolage located in Brioude.
Its business is the retail sale of hardware paints and glass in supermarkets.
There were 22 employees in the company are managed by Mr poillot the director.

I set up a procedure that will allow provider to receive the assets of suppliers as swiftly within the company. The main constraint of this procedure was to receive negative responses from supplier because it was not until the passage of the suppliers to the store. For my procedure I set up a sheet with boxes and office for damaged products found in the store.
In addition, I designed a fax to be sent to suppliers.
Also, I created on a monthly excel table with the duty of the monies received amounts. This array will have a fussy organization.
Then I decided to make the reminders suppliers every month.

I also performed other tasks such as orders, customer reminders, archiving ...

The atmosphere of the store was very friendly; all the staff were very nice and helpful. I was able to integrate easily within employees.
It has been 3 years since I made my training periods Mr Bricolage and I love it here a lot.

In conclusion, I found this course very interesting. It allowed me to become more independent, have a sense of responsibility and sense of organization.
This business experience helped me learn to be more confident and especially to see the world of work that is totally different from the world of education. You have to be organized and disciplined

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