Publié le 9 oct. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 1 nov. 2010 dans 13A

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Hi! First of all sorry for my english; my mothertongue is spanish and I’m not able to use french as well as I would like.

In adittion, maybe this email is not going to be very fruitful because I’m not sure if there's anyone with enough knowedlege about both literature: german and french to answer what i ask ...
Anyway, I’ll try my luck: My teacher has asked me to do a written work concerning french literature from the period of Renaissance; and I have decided to make a comparison between French literature of the Renaissance and German one.

So, I’m writing you not to ask with what full fill it.

Just if you can say me which points should I include on it.

There’s no much information about German-French compare literature on internet, and neither in books; but what I have obtained until now from my research is this.

I mean this will be the scheme for following:

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

1. Historical Context in Europe
- Religious reform: Calvinisme - Luteranisme (influence of Lefèvre d´Etaples)

2. Literary context on France and Germany

3. Florishment of literature in vernacular languages

- Défense de la langue Française (Du Bellay) & Aristarchus (Opitz)

- Marguerite de Navarre’s translation of the Bible into french

- Reuchlin rebels against the destruction of the Kabbale

3. Reformation Pampleth literature and its repercussion in France

4. How both countries influences themselves regarding Narrative

- Narrenschiff (Sebastian Brant) & La net des fols du monde (Pierre Rivière)
- El Amadis de Francia
- Eulenspiegel myth and its translations all around Europe (Le Panurge du Nord, influence in Gargantua and Pantagruel –Rabelais-)
And the other way around: Johann Fischart "Geschichtskitterung" the adapator of french Gargantua into german verses.
- Johann Fischart and his imitation of Rabelais: Aller Praktik Grossmutter & Affenteuerliche und ungeheurliche ...

- François Rabelais, the Reformation and Luther

5. How both countries influences themselves regarding Lyric?
- Two german imitators of Ronsard: Opitz and G.R. Weckherlin
- The influence of the lyrc genre "Kunstlied" in La Plèiade

6. How both countries influences themselves regarding Theatre?
- Les contréries carnavalesques other French Farces & Die Fastnachtspiel [The argument of Henno (Reuchlin) based on "La Farce de maistre Pierre Pathelin)
- The return to classics; drama representations on College and Universities: Stylpho- Jakob Wimpfeling / Jean Baptiste et Jephté - Buchanan and Julius Caesar Moret.
- Teatro religioso

7. Conclusion

In relation to Narrative; I think it's okey.

But the problem starts with Lyric and Theater.

About theatre I have only found a pair of lines saying that German theatre was underdeveloped regarding french one; but anything else.
So I don't know what authors put in the point of Religious Theater.

Aren’t there any german or french drama writers that receive some influence from their neighbour country? I couldn’t find any. Could you help me in this point?

Could I inclued Étienne Jodelle and his german influence, if he had?

And also I don’t know what to say regarding poetry: I see Hans Sachs, the schwank and the Fastnachspiel so different in all aspecst with the Plèyade, Ronsard or Maurice Scève that I have no idea how to compare them. What to make with the rebel poems of Ulrich von Hutten, is there any similar work in France at the moment?

Also about philosophical literature: is there any author that I can compare with the essays of Montaigne?

Could you suggest me what to talk about in the final conclusion?

Also if it's possible suggest what to talk about in the conclusion, just some ideas.
Thank u so much!!
Is there any book of reference about? All that I found is protected information that I’m only able to get by paying.

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