qu'est qu'un bon professeur / correction

Publié le 8 janv. 2016 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 13 janv. 2016 dans 8A

Sujet du devoir

J'aurais besoin d'aide s'il vous plaît .
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C'est une synthèse que je dois faire sur qu'est ce qu'un bon professeur ? 


We do not improvise teacher, it is a profession which learns. The training is essential but the learning doesn’t stop with a credential. Good teacher training needs to include theory with pratical experience and mentorship. Teachers who are well-prepared and trained on the job longer. They have the ability to fully engage their students. They are able to provide an invaluable human touch that can make a difference in their students'lives. The teachers are acting as mentors, coaches and guides, encouraging students take charge of their own education.


            A good teacher is a educator, he supplies courses with clear objectives to his students. The teacher must be able to explain to his students the mistakes they made. And leave some time to them to begin again the exercise of which he did not make a success.

            The teacher must be creative to achieve captivate her students and inventive in the tools or methods used to transmit knowledge. The teacher should feel responsible for his students and for their knowledge. He must be respected, hold his class without being too strict.

            He must be opened, comprehensive, listening to his students, dynamic to install some confidence with them. But also kind, friendly, smiling and good-humored because it makes you want to learn and to listen to the course.

He must keep posted about the rapidly evolution technologies to allow to facilitate learning at any time. He must be comfortable with instructional methods like project-based learning who can be a source of motivation for the students.

To conclude, I think qood teachers have to enjoy sharing their love of learning. There has to be a passion for learning that they want to share with young people.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 8 janv. 2016

A good teacher is a educator -> A nice teacher is an educator

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