Notion anglais terminale espaces et échanges

Publié le 9 mai 2017 il y a 6A par Anonyme - Fin › 14 mai 2017 dans 6A

Sujet du devoir

The notion i’m going to deal with is spaces ans exchange

To my ming this notion could cover many topics. One of them is immigration. 

To introduce the notion i’d like to say: spaces of exchanges and types of exchange are various. Spaces of exchanges can be financial marketplace, port areas, airports, city… and exchanges can be trade, financial, information or humans flow

We’ll try to see what type of material and immaterial exchanges and what spaces of exchanges exist in GB ?

First i’d like to show different flow and their spaces of exchanges. Secondly i will speak of the various type of humans exchange


The international trade has always existed in GB and it is more prevalent today because of industrialization and globalization. The business relations are more numerous than in the past. They are also faster, thanks to the developpement of telecommunication and transportation. 

In GB exist two material flow : commodities and humans

Commodities flow came in or came out by airport or harbor. These flow alimente GB in various products like food…
Humans flow can be students flow with partnership between university. Or because the coast of Britain university, students will study in other states like we listened in the audio document about he demonstration in the street of London against the rase of tuition fees
Humans flow can be immigrant flow because the war, disaster or economics reason. The immigrant arrive mostly from ocean in boat
Humans flow can be also tourists flow. humans came in GB for visit or other reason. This tourists arrived from aircraft, boat or train



In GB exist two immaterial flow: Financial and Informational

Today all states are connected together and economy is financiarised. 

So financial flow supply economy. This flow came in or out by the difference financial marketplace or by banks like HSBC.
All states are interconnected so everybody can know what is happening in other country. These informational flow can be launch in every spaces of Gb by social networks. They can also be launch by press in the space where the press is installed



In GB four flows: 2 material and 2 immaterial supply this country in products, financial, informational or humans. These flows came in GB by various places: airports, harbor, social network, trains…

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir


J'ai l'impression que ma problématique est bancale et que le texte n'est pas tres intéressant

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2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 9 mai 2017

Je pense déjà qu'il faut revoir ton intro. Tu y parle de beaucoup de sujets au lieu de te concentrer sur ta problématique et la façon dont tu vas la traiter dans ton développement. 

Ensuite, pour ma part, je trouve que tu t'éparpille un peu. Tu ne fais qu'évoquer tout les différents échanges qu'il y a en GB. Si c'était moi, je me concentrerais sur un ou deux exemples représentatifs que je creuserais un peu plus profondément : par exemple, les étudiants et la presse ; ou l'immigration et les banques. 

J'espère t'avoir aider.

Posté le 10 mai 2017

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