expressions dans l'ordre chronologique

Publié le 16 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 23 oct. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

je dois mettre les expressions dans l'ordre chronologique ; mais il y en a que je trouve pas pourriez vous m'aider et celles que j'ai trouvé son t elle bonnes ?
1 hopes and worries
2 freed at last
3 unkindness
4 nothing to do
5 the interrogation
6 rumours
7 well-guarded

1 hopes but we worried
5 interrogated
6 rumors ?
7 guards wearing ?

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

This is the record of Li Keng Wong, a Chinese immigrant who arrived in the USA in 1933 at the age of seven. From 1910 to 1940, Chinese immigrant had to pass through the immigration Station on Angel Island, in San Francisco Bay, and not through Ellis Island. Angel Island was known as "The Ellis Island of the West"
We arrived in high hopes but we worried about not being able to answer the many question that the authorities were to ask us. We were scared of getting deported.
A number of Chinese people were deported back to China. For us, returning to China would be shameful. There were rumors that a few people committed suicide rather than to be sent back to China in shame.
Women and men were segregated in Angel Island, and while we were there, we were locked up in the women's barracks. The barracks had barred doors and windows. Guards wearing green uniforms stood outside and constantly watched us. Our barrack had a handful of women who came before us and were still waiting to learn their fate - would they make it into the United States or return home in shame?
Each day, we sat and waited to be called for our immigration interview. The waiting was nerve-wracking. There wasn't anything to keep us occupied. We had no books to read and no toys to play with. We didn't study the coaching papers while being detained because we had memorized the memorized the questions and answers back in our village.
Each day, we were escorted to the dining area, where we ate Chinese food. We ate rice, meat, and vegetables. We also ate bread and fruit. The food was good and was supplemented by the gorvernment.
But we were not treated kindly. The officials seldom smiled or acknowledged us. I hated the detention and I was worried that we could be deported, but i didn't have to worry for long.
After a week, we had our immigration interview. We were interrogated separately. Mother was questionned for one day, my older sister Li Hong was questioned for two hours. My father had to make the trip from Oakland, taking the ferry to Angel Island, where he was questioned for two days. We didn't even know he was there until later because we had no way to communicate with him.
Finally, we were released, and we were so relieved ! My father was waiting for us when we got off the ferry in San Francisco, and we travelled to Oakland where we would start our new lives in Gold Mountain - our name for America.
I was so upste by my experience that for 50 years I refused to talk about Angel Island. It was not until 1985 that i was able to talk and write about it.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 17 oct. 2011
1. hopes and worries
2. rumours
3. well guarded
4. nothing to do
5. unkindness
6. The interrogation
7. Freed at least

On ne te demande pas de trouver les expressions mais de les mettre dans l'ordre chronologique en te basant sur le texte.

Posté le 17 oct. 2011
merci beaucoup

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