Anglais pour demain

Publié le 20 janv. 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 22 janv. 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

La prof a demandé d'écrire une expression écrite avec description et analyse d'une image. Pourriez-vous me corriger les fautes sur mon devoirs ?

Par avance merci !

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

This document is a black and white cartoon drawn by R.Cobb. The scene takes place on extraterrestrials planet. Foreground, we can see three strange creatures. Both of them speaking and looking at the humans. Background, there are five humans who are exhibited like animal in a zoo. They look sad. They don’t do anything. They have different origins. They are black people, Asiatic people and white people.

This place is like on exposition, a zoo in which the reptilian creatures can see different species. On the right, there is another extraterrestrial. We can read the name of species and the life place, for example it’s written Homo sapiens of earth at the top of the glass panels.
We can imagine that the extraterrestrials have kidnapped five earthmen to put them in their zoo. And the creatures don’t see the different between the different human.
He could be a message against the racial discrimination. But we can see a frane with a drawing of atomic bomb. Maybe the place is a zoo for species in the process of extinction.

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 20 janv. 2011

Bon ne sachant pas quelle image tu avait à commenter précisément, peut-être qu'il y aura des choses à corriger que je n'aurais pas pu corriger, mais je vais essayer de faire mon mieux.

This document is a black and white cartoon drawn by R.Cobb. The scene takes place in AN ALIEN planet. IN THE foreground, we can see three strange creatures. Both of them ARE speaking and looking at the humans. IN THE Background, there are five humans who are exhibited like animalS in a zoo. They look sad. They do NOT do anything. They ARE FROM different origins. They are Black people, AsiAN people and White people.

This place is like An EXHIBITION, a zoo in which the reptilian creatures can OBSERVE different species. On the right SIDE, there is another ALIEN. We can read the SPECIES' NAMES and THEIR PLACE OF ORIGIN : AS AN EXAMPLE, ON THE TOP OF THE GLASS PANELS, SOMEBODY HAS WRITTEN " HOMO SAPIENS OF EARTH"
ONE can imagine that THE ALIENS have kidnapped five earthmen IN ORDER to EXHIBIT them in their zoo. The creatures do NOt see the differenCES between the different humanS.
IT CAN be a message against racial discrimination, but we can see a FRAME with a drawing of THE atomic bomb. Maybe thIS place is a zoo for species in WAY of extinction

Alors, c'est globalement, avec juste de petits problèmes de vocabulaire ^^
- En anglais, on désigne les extraterrestre par " alien ". " Extraterrestrial " ne veut rien dire en anglais, à la rigueur, pour décrire quelqu'un qui ressemble à un extraterresstre on dira " alien-like ", mais c'est tout. Il faut savoir aussi que le " alien " désigne non seulement des extra terrestre, mais surtout, et c'est son premier sens, les étrangers " alien people ". Donc si tu trouve le mot " alien " dans un autre texte, fait bien attention au contexte pour ne pas un hors sujet.
- Pour les descriptions du type " background, foreground ", il faut toujours mettre " in the " avant. C'est comme si au de dire " dans la maison " tu disais "maison ".
- Evite les formes contractées à l'écrit : don't s'écrit do not. C'est comme pour le français, tu écriras " je suis " sur ta copie, mais pas ' chuis " même si tu le prononces comme ça tous les jours .
- Même si se sont sans doutes des fautes de frappe, je te rappelle aussi de ne pas oublier les S au pluriels des noms, et de ne pas les mettre aux adjectifs.

Sinon, ça va ^^

Bonne soirée
Posté le 21 janv. 2011
j'habite a los angeles, alors fait moi confiance ;)
This document is a black and white cartoon drawn by R.Cobb. The scene takes place on AN ALIEN planet. IN THE Foreground, we can see three strange creatures. Both of them ARE speaking and looking at humans. IN THE Background, there are five humans who are exhibited like ANIMALS in a zoo. They look sad. They DO NOT DO anything. They ALL HAVE different origins. THEY'RE are black people, ASIAN people and white people.

This place is like AN EXHIBITION, a zoo in which the reptilian creatures can see different species. On the right, there is another ALIEN. We can read the name of THE species and the life place, for example it’s written Homo sapiens of earth at the top of the glass panels.
We can imagine that the ALIENS have kidnapped five earthmen to put them INTO their zoo. And the creatures don’t see the different between the differentS humanS.
IT CAN be a message against the racial discrimination. But we can see a FRAME with a drawing of AN atomic bomb. Maybe the place is a zoo for species in the process of extinction.
Posté le 21 janv. 2011
Merci beaucoup et je ne pense pas, malheureusement, que les s oublié soit des fautes de frappe...
Le mot Extraterrestrial est un mot que ma prof m'avait donné. Comme quoi les profs ne sont pas tous bon...

Merci beaucoup en tous cas !

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