Bac d'anglais ORAL

Publié le 25 avr. 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 28 avr. 2015 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

Well, I’m going to speak about the notion « idea of progress. I’d like to state a definition of progress. Progress is the idea that the world and the society can evolve positively in terms of sciences, technology, modernization, living condition, etc.

Which are the different form of progress today and which are limits. On one hand I’am going to evoke the different types of progress that they exist today. What are the limits.


The progress is present in many sectors. For example the medicine with new medicines, tritherapy, chemotherapy, the in vitro fertilization … Today, the scientists discover new technology to fight against the problem of donation of organs. In effect, in the document audio “a factory of artificial organs " a journalist explain Spain is the only country where there is a laboratory which allows to produce artificial organs with cells of dead body. This technology consists of creating new organs and resolve the problem donation of organs.

Moreover, today, Internet and the social networks are necessary for the society. This trend concerns all the population, the youngest and old person. The documents “the new technologies “explain with cartoons the impact in the population. For example, the first drawing represents two characters, Romeo and Juliet who speak in Internet because their parents doesn’t want they speak each other. Each one is connected and there are not contacts between them. This cartoon shows the impact of the technological today which allow to be connected These two examples show us the benefits of the progress that is very present in the century twenty-one. But, What are the limits of progress ?


The progress hasn’t only positive effects for the society.  Einstein says that "the technological progress is like an axe between the hands of a psychopath ". In fact, if the progress is between bad hands can have negative effects. For example, today the nature is destroy for the human activity. For example, NPS is an organism which defend National Park in USA. But, a company would like to build a highway on the middle of the park.

It’s true, a highway is very important because thinks to that, they are a lot of tourism, communication or business. However, this construction cause important destruction of the flora and the fauna, so it’s an attempt on the life and the culture of the peoples.

Like so, something, the progress don’t have a positive effects because for example the progress is responsible for the destruction of the nature.

To conclude, the progress is present in many domains: the medicine, the common life, the politics… Today, the society is modern with internet, voting right for woman and a good longevity for population. But, the progress provoke a lot of inconveniences like destruction of nature, pollution…


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Bonjour,j'ai réalisé mon script pour l'oral d'anglais. Pouvez vous jeter un œil pour corriger les éventuelles fautes.


Merci d'avance.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 26 avr. 2015

Bonjour platon 54!

Voilà des copies de phrases de ton devoir avec la correction:

  • Progress is the idea that the world and society can...
  • What are the different forms of progress today and what are its limits?
  • On the one hand I am going to evoke the different types of progress that do exist today. and on the other hand I will talk about its limits.
  • Pose toi la question de savoir si tu dois utiliser "the" ou pas dans le paragraphe suivant: on dit progress, pas the progress ...
  • Place de l'adjectif en anglais : in the audio document et non in the document audio
  • sinon pour le reste c'est pas mal.
  • Fais attention à ne pas tout apprendre par cœur!!!! 
  • Je te rappelle que tu dois tenir la parole en continu pendant 5 minutes. Ta production est insuffisante pour parler pendant 5 minutes!

Bon courage

Posté le 26 avr. 2015

Bonjour Balsaco,

Merci pour ta réponse et tes conseils ! Je ne suis pas forcement très fort à l'oral car je n'ai pas bien pris l'habitude de participer activement donc je fais vite des fautes et j'ai peur d'avoir des gros blanc donc je sais pas trop quoi faire puisque vous me déconseillez le par cœur,

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