Besoin de conseils pour ma notion d'anglais : MYTHS AND HEROS

Publié le 20 avr. 2019 il y a 5A par Imane#4082 - Fin › 1 mai 2019 dans 4A

Sujet du devoir


Alors je dois faire ma synthese sur la notion "myths and heros" et j'aurai besoin de vos avis sur ce que j'ai reussi à faire ( c'est sous forme de notes). Sachant que mon oral est dans environ 2 semaines je stress troppp.

Merci d'avance aux personnes qui prendrons le temps de me conseiller.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

NOTION 1 : Myths and heros


American Dream 

-          Myth = popular belief

This story might be fictional and unreal

-          Hero = the main character in the myth.

Admired for his values and his actions.


PB :-Is the American dream a myth or a reality ?

        -What extent the American dream is a myth ?


1) American Dream :

The USA can be seen as a promised land where everything is possible.

Immigrants think they could become billionaires/ strike it rich. Only working in the USA. Some can succeed, but not everybody.

The doc, Dreamers and realistes shows that immigrants now are only dreamers who hope to improve their life condition by going to America. But they are too late since the economic situation has changed.

2) The land of success:

To succeed now, we need education and hight diploma whereas then we only needed courage and hard work and opportunities à USA: LAND OF OPPORTUNITY

° Had to be registered and examined by a doctor and officials: decides if they could enter in the United State Good physical condition / no mental problems or diseases / identities has to be checked)

° If suspected to be ill : marked with chalk ad had to be examined more precisely ( doctors strict with an eye disease : trachoma ) à disqualified from living in the United State.

Today = a lot of American people have ancestors who came to America via Ellis Island


-Don’t send me back! (Fred Mustard)

-Mother of exiles, Newsweek

-Immigration to the United States

-Growth of a Nation

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 21 avr. 2019

Pour le problème la correcte phrase c’est : « To what  extent is the American dream a myth »

1) American Dream: 

The USA can be seen as a promising land where anything is possible.

Immigrants imagine the possibility of becoming billionaires or “striking gold” by working in the United States. Some people can succeed but not all.

Posté le 22 avr. 2019

Alors je n’ai pas tout lu mais juste pour ton introduction fais attention un héros n’est pas forcément le personnage d’un mythe. Par exemple, pour moi T.Edison, inventeur de l’ampoule et premier à contrôler l’électricité, est un héros (voire même un génie), mais ce n’est pas un mythe. Et surtout cite bien le fait que le héros peut être un vrai homme ou fictif !

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