Bonjour, actuellement en Terminale ES, je passe mon oral d'anglais dans une semaine. Quelqu'un pourrait corriger ma synthèse "Spaces and exchanges"?

Publié le 3 mai 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 6 mai 2016 dans 7A
18.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

To introduce this topic, i would like to give a definition of “Spaces and exchanges”. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms: people, trade, information. The immigration is linked to this notion as it implies the motion of legal and illegal people to other countries. Immigration: from dream to disillusion.

What drives people to leave their country to go and live in an other country? Is the American dream still alive?

We will focus on the journey of immigrants to the USA by showing their motivation to immigrate and the dangers of the trip, risks, illegal transactions…


Even today, many people have uprooted themselves to pursue the American dream. The American dream is the idea that a person in the United States, accompanied only by his courage, hard work and determination, has the opportunity to become prosperous and provide for his needs and those of his family. This is a chance available to all. The American dream is for many people viewed as a myth, but it is nevertheless one of the main engines that allow people to migrate to the United States. The document “New horizons” shows us why people migrate to the USA.  Indeed, over a million Mexicans are attracted to the United States because of the promise of a better life, a new life bringing more wealth and material comfort. Furthermore, to the other side, there is medical facilities and good education system. Alejandro is one of them; he left woman and child to find a way out of poverty and unemployment. Compared to Mexico, jobs in the US are better paid. Nevertheless, strike it rich to the US can only be reached through hard work and self determination.

The audio recording “Crossing over” talks about the border between Mexico and the US, one of the longest of the world. It snakes from San Diego to Brownsville, from mountains to deserts. The border can be overwhelming. It’s knows lots of illegal business such as traffic, drug dealing, through tunnels with sophisticated equipment dug below ground. However, the frontier is very busy and much debated.


That why it’s hazardous and harrowing journey to cross over. Mexicans took many risks during the trip. I will list them with the document “Facing reality”

In this text, a group of Mexicans trying to sneak across the border with two smugglers as guides.  Both are aggressive and violent and do everything to make them ill-at-ease, even scared. However, the wetbacks depend entirely of the bandits: their fate is in their hands. The conditions of the travel are inhumane, they are mistreated and not have a say.

Ultimately, wetbacks were trapped, betrayed and forsaken in the desert, far from the river, defenseless, powerless.

On the desert, the first risk is to die thirsty. Indeed, they endured the terrible pain of a scorching sun. It’s very hard to find something to quench their thirst? This is like a trip into hell; their swollen tongue filled their mouth and most of them slowly died of thirst.


To put it in a nutshell, few people considerate the American Dream like a myth. However, millions of people risk their life every day trying to cross the border of the United-States. All of them believe to the American dream and want to give a better future to their child. But, the promises of a better future are broken by those who use immigration for their own benefit.

So the American dream still alive, despite of harmful hurdles.

Abraham Lincoln said: ‘You can have anything you want – if you want it badly enough. You be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish, if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 3 mai 2016


Si tu rends ta synthèse à l'écrit en plus de ton oral, fait attention au "je" en anglais qui est toujours en majuscule (si je me souviens bien).

En dehors de ce détail, je n'ai pas remarqué de grosses fautes. Après personne n'est parfait donc j'ai pu passer sur certaine sans les voir.

Bon courage pour ton oral !

Posté le 3 mai 2016

D'accord, merci beaucoup

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