Correction+avis oral anglais espaces et échanges

Publié le 4 mai 2018 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 7 mai 2018 dans 5A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour à tous ! J'aimerai avoir votre avis et une correction pour mon oral d'anglais sur la notion espaces et échanges, merci d'avance !

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. To begin with, an exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. The exchanges can appear on many forms: people, trade, information... Whats advantages or disadvantages does living in a foreign country offer ? So, we are going to see the advantages of the Gap Year and if it's a challenge and after that will see the disadvantages of It and if it's a traumatic experience.

To begin, a gap year is often taken between high school and college, you can travel and explore the world. It’s generally a year after high school, for having experience in another country before starting graduate school. In class, we saw the differents reasons to take a gap year. A Gap Year is an advantage to gain life experience and grow personally, because the teenager is going to discover new countries and new people. It's again a break from academy track and an option to explore career and study options, to take time and think of the future. People take a gap year to learn other languages and discover new cultures, the fact of speaking one or several other languages that French is very well received in the world of the work. We saw the differents types of gap year in the document “plan your gap year” the voluntaring work, the community work, and working in doing. The gap year is a challenge, we saw the document “I would do it all again”, this document talk about the experience of kate in nepal and scotland, she say that was an challenging, enriching and enlightening experience. It also is to become aware of the value of the life in Europe and better to appreciate its origins.

Gap year are great to broaden your horizons, discover new cultures, new languages and to gain experience. Now, I am going to talk about the disadvantages of a Gap year and if it's a traumatic experience.

However, the Gap Year can be an traumatic experience for some people, it depends on conditions. The differents countries in the world are very different, for exemple Kate in Japan was pointed by the asians because she is a black women and it's very particular in Japan. The disadvantages of a Gap year are the distance between the family and the teenager, it can be dangerous if you go in the not secure countries. A Gap Year is sometimes badly perceived by the people because people in the business world or in the academic world think that it consists in making the sunbathing on the beach for one year. It's also one year of "delay" on the others and it can be difficult to return to the studies after sabbatical year because you can lose your rhythm of study and your skills. You can develop an addiction in the fact of being abroad or more to want to go into its country of origin. The financial aspect is one of the big disadvantages to take a sabbatical year, it will be necessary you to save money.

To finish, for the majority of us, there will be more advantages than disadvantages to take a Gap Year. A Gap Year is a real opportunity in term of personal fulfillment. We saw the disadvantages and the advantages of a Gap Year. In my opinion, I think they are more advantages to take a Gap Year, you can gain experience, learn more languages and discover a lot of countries. But you can also have fun while returning the better world if you choose to be in the humanitarian assistance to carry out the duty as citizen. It's a real challenge. They are other ways to discover the world while exchanging our cultures ?

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