Correction Bac Anglais Oral

Publié le 21 avr. 2013 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 21 mai 2013 dans 10A
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Sujet du devoir

Pour mon bac oral en Anglais dans moins d'un mois, je dois parler de ce que j'ai fait en classe, sauf que je ne suis vraiment pas très doué en Anglais et comme c'est le bac j'aimerais être sûr qu'il n'y a pas trop de faute. Merci beaucoup à tous ceux qui pourront m'aider même un tout petit peu. C'est vraiment important. Je sais que c'est long mais le maximum qui sera corrigé m’aidera énormément.
Voici ce que j'ai écrit :

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Hello sir/ madam my name is Amaury and I will speak about the notion places and forms of power. To start, Power is the ability to controlling and directing people in a society. In a democracy, there are 3 powers: executive, legislative and judicial. How to avoid a dictatorship? It’s the role of the 4th power: the free and independent press because any power calls for a counter-power.
There are 2 kind of press. One that informs, which allows reflection on an idea. This press investigates to advance society; it’s the press as The Time the right and The Guardian to the left. One another that amuses the population with superficial topics: it’s the sewers’ press, the tabloids like The Daily Mirror in the left or The Sun in the right
We heard an audio document about the press’ history. The first illegal newspaper was “Public Occurrences” in 1960 in Boston but in 1791, freedom of the press become the first amendment of the new constitution. The New-York time was published in 1851 whereas the Yellow Journalism grows. This latter has such a name because of comic strip “the yellow kids”. For sell more, this press become sensational, it’s the race to scoop and gossip.
The cover of The Sun of the October 4, 2001 was in big and bold character “Queen has rubber duck in her bath” and showed a large picture of rubber duck. Only a month after the September 11 attack. There is nothing more interesting?
Another audio document asks people on the street if they read the tabloids. They print still 47 million copies per day! Some refuse to read the tabloids because they found that it’s outrageous. Others like stars ‘gossip.
To compare we saw the same information in 2 different newspapers: Backham’s accident in a football match in 2003. On the one hand, The Guardian quotes his manager, Ferguson, who said there is no problem. On the other hand, The Sun says that “Becks” is livid. Insults are written in the article and the word spat is written in bold. For the same fact, there are 2 different stories and The Sun dramatizes the situation to sell more newspapers.
There is also a fifth power, another counter-power : Internet with continuous information anywhere in the world. The Arab Spring began thanks to Facebook and Wikileaks gives confidential information on behalf of the freedom of information.
In conclusion I would say that we absolutely need the freedom of the press in counter power but this latter should not cheat and use methods of harassment to sell more newspapers or disclose information that would compromise a good diplomatic agreement. As the saying goes “One persons freedom ends where another person’s freedom begin”

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 29 avr. 2013
Salut Amaury,

Je viens juste de lire ton texte et je peux entièrement te le corriger sauf qu'il y a des parties que je ne comprend pas et qui ne me semblent pas correcte d'un point de vue grammatical ou même d'un point de vu oral ( c'est à dire que je ne voit pas un anglais dire ça en fait) donc si tu pouvais juste me donner ton texte en français et aussi par la même quel est le but (parce que j'ai l'impression que tu donne juste une définition de la notion et que tu ne parle pas des documents que vous avez fait en cours) ce serait super et ce serait plus facile pour moi de t'aider.


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