Correction Bac Oral d'anglais

Publié le 27 mars 2018 il y a 6A par Anonyme - Fin › 18 avr. 2018 dans 6A
8.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, j'aimerais pouvoir avoir quelques corrections sur mon expression Oral, notamment sur les fautes d'orthographes ou les erreurs de syntaxe. Merci d'avance

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir



-Hello, today I will deal with the notion “idea of progress”. First of all I would like to give a definition of the notion.

-The idea of progress can be defined as a development or a change like a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place.

-However, the idea of progress is debate between the persons who consider that it’s beneficial and the persons for whom it’s harmful.

-Here, we will focus on the social aspect, especially the place of progress in the family.

-Now, we may wonder how does the evolution of society influence family structures?

-To begin, we will talk about of the evolution of the society towards family, then we will see a new conception of the classic family




- First, here is a vision of the 50's family where there isn’t equality between women and men.

- the quote from Evan Esar is the next: “A social unit where the father is considered with parking place, the children with outer space, and the mother with closet place.”

-Esar’s quote suggest that every member has a specific role to play. The dad is considered like the breadwinner, and the mother has to take care of the kids and household duties. The tone is ironic and a little macho.

-Furthermore, this document suggest that the family is a nuclear family, that is to say a traditional family composed by a couple of a man and a woman married or not and child or not.

- However, the vision of the traditional family to evolve towards a new family structure.




-But Today the thinks have changed. In fact, on the drawing done by Roy Delgado, he despicts a man who’s just been awarded a prize.

-He’s thanking his uncommun family including two dads, a surogate mum, a biological one…

-It’s shows that the family structure has changed today. The models of the nuclear family is no longuer true. Now families include adoptive parents, same sex parents or surogates mum. 

-More over there are no specific roles given to parents, as in the document "Dad cooks, Mom works", roles are interchangeable. They are both providers (breadwinner) and murturers (educators)





As a conclusion, the evolution of the society influence of several ways the family structure. we have seen that the family structure is society, indeed in the 50's the family model was

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 28 mars 2018



-Hello, today I will deal with the notion “idea of progress”. First of all I would like to give a definition of the notion.

-The idea of progress can be defined as a development or a change like a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to make the world a better place.

-However, the idea of progress is debated between the persons who consider that it’s beneficial and the persons for whom it’s harmful.

-Here, we will focus on the social aspect, especially the place of progress in the family.

-Now, we may wonder how does the evolution of society influence family structures?

-To begin, we will talk about of the evolution of the society towards family, then we will see a new conception of the classic family




- First of all, here is a vision of the 50's family where there isn’t equality between women and men.

- the quote from Evan Esar is the next: “A social unit where the father is considered with parking place, the children with outer space, and the mother with closet place.”

-Esar’s quote suggests that every member has a specific role to play. The dad is considered like the breadwinner, and the mother has to take care of the kids and household duties. The tone is ironic and a little macho.

-Furthermore, this document suggests that the family is a nuclear family, that is to say a traditional family composed by a couple of a man and a woman married or not and children or not.

- However, the vision of the traditional family  evolves towards a new family structure.




-But Today the mentalities have changed. In fact, on the drawing done by Roy Delgado, he despicts a man who’s just been awarded a prize.

-He’s thanking his uncommun family including two dads, a surogate mum, a biological one…

-It’s shows that the family structure has changed today. The models of the nuclear family is no longer true. Now families include adoptive parents, same sex parents or surogate mums

-More over there are no specific roles given to parents, as in the document "Dad cooks, Mom works", roles are interchangeable. They are both providers (breadwinner) and murturers (educators)





As a conclusion, the evolution of the society influences in several ways the family structure. we have seen that the family structure is society, indeed in the 50's the family model was


Posté le 28 mars 2018

Merci beaucoup!!!

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