Correction des fautes (merci d'avance)

Publié le 17 sept. 2013 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 24 sept. 2013 dans 10A

Sujet du devoir

Ecrire un essai en anglais dans le chapitre 1 "Myths and Heroes"
Je me permets de vous demander de me corriger afin d'obtenir une meilleure note
Merci davance

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

In many cultures, we speak of myth to describe the extraordinary stories that refer to half-gods , heroes and superheroes. In Antiquity , the Greeks and Romans admired their demigods like Achilles and Hercules. Today, the best known are Batman , Superman and Spiderman. Most often, the hero reveal through their exploits. But often , to be known, it is necessary that these exploits are made public.
Is it necessary to be well-known to be a hero ?

Media hero, hero group

First of all , Superman , Spiderman and Hercul became a role model for children. They give imagine a powerful and infallible superhero who confronts his enemies. It has super powers and is subject to extraordinary challenges . The child identifies with these characters. It may have figurines , costumes to flourish in his dream.
In addition, in our society, the figure of the hero is human . Martin Luther King, Gandhi , Nelson Mandela are considered political heroes . Indeed, it is the media that can be regarded as heroes. As André Malraux said , " there are no heroes without an audience ." These men were héroïsés through the media .

Ordinary heroes

First, firefighters and rescuers are modern heroes because they defend victims and save human life is sacred. They endanger their own lives to help others. But the mandatory use of the sometimes excessive media can transform the hero celebrity . Just think of the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center. Rescuers , mainly New York firefighters were more qu'héroïsé .
Second, the child is admiring its parents.Il may perceive them as heroes. Parents allow us to meet the challenges of responding to the world. The childish acts are developed by parents who encourage them to meet the challenges of a " future hero " in the eyes of parents.

We meet heroes in life every day without knowing it. These ordinary men become extraordinary men !

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 21 sept. 2013
Hello there, here is a little correction :

" In many cultures, we speak of myth to describe the extraordinary stories that refer to half-gods , heroes and superheroes. In Antiquity , the Greeks and Romans admired their demigods like Achilles and Hercules FOR INSTANCE ( C'est toujours bien de le mettre ). NOWADAYS ( c'est plus joli que "today" ), THE MOST FAMOUS are Batman , Superman and Spiderman. Most often, the hero reveal through their exploits. But often , to be known, it is necessary that these exploits are made public.
Is it necessary to be well-known to be a hero ?

Media hero, hero group

First of all , Superman , Spiderman and Hercul became AN EXAMPLE for children. They CONVEY AN IMAGE OF a powerful and infallible superhero who confronts his enemies. It has super powers and is subject to extraordinary challenges . CHILDREN IDENTIFY HIMSELF with these characters. It may be through figurines , costumes to flourish in his dream.
In addition, in our society, the figure of hero is human . Martin Luther King, Gandhi , Nelson Mandela are considered AS political heroes . Indeed, IT IS THANKS TO THE MEDIA THAT THEY'RE FAMOUS. As André Malraux said , " there are no heroes without an audience ." These men were DEPICTED AS HEROES through the media .

Ordinary heroes

First, firefighters and rescuers are modern heroes because they defend victims and save human life IN DANGER. They RISK THEIR LIVES IN ORDER to help others. But the mandatory use ofsometimes excessive media can transform the hero INTO A celebrity . Just think of the 2001 attacks OF the World Trade Center. Rescuers , mainly New York firefighters were CONSIDERED MORE THAN HEROES .
SecondLY, CHILDREN ARE admiring THEIR parents. THEY may perceive them as heroes. Parents allow us to meet the challenges of responding to the world ( NON SENS ). The childish acts are developed by parents who encourage them to meet the challenges of a " future hero " in the eyes of parents.

We meet heroes in life every day without knowing it. These ordinary men become extraordinary men !

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