Correction d'une expression écrite en Anglais

Publié le 20 janv. 2018 il y a 6A par Anonyme - Fin › 23 janv. 2018 dans 6A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, voilà j'ai une expression écrite dans laquelle je suis avocat et je dois défendre "Rosa" une immigrée mexicaine qui voulait passer la frontière avec de faux papiers d'identités mais qui s'est faites arrêtées.


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

J'ai écrit mon devoir mais j'aimerai que quelqu'un me relise pour m'aider à corriger mes fautes. 

"Sir president, Ladies and gentlemen jurors,

I know, my client, Rosa has violeted the law, has tried to cross the border with fakes papers wich makes her action illegal.

However, I want to remind that the criminal record of this woman is clean and her action is founded on an reflection and a needed to ask to a growing malaise.

Rosa wanted change her life and these of her husband and her chidren. They wanted to find a better life in USA.

Rosa known that this crossing was dangerous and she didn't want her family takes risks. So, she decided to go alone in USA to work and send money to them. She disn't say to anyone she was leaving for worry no one.

Today, Rosa doesn't have any news of her relatives and they no know where is Rosa and if she is fine.

Take the decision to leave her family was difficult for she but toughtful. And it was for earn money to them.

Indeed, Rosa and her family live in dire conditions. Nobody never were here for help them.

Listen, I think this women do it to save her life, to feed and care of her family.

Here we couldn't stand what she live everyday in Mexico. USA was the last hope, the only way to live in accepatable conditions. The only way to have the life that everybody should have.

Want the better life and the better prospects for persons we love is human.

I think Rosa do not deserve to go again in jail, her act is brave because it was to change her family's life when there are risks for her own life.

Thank you for your attention to this matter."

Voilà, merci d'avance aux personnes qui m'aideront. :)

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 20 janv. 2018

bonjour alors les erreurs :

"has violeted" c'est plutôt has violated

tu voulais dire quoi avec le mot "wich" à la ligne 3?

je pense que tu as fais une faute de frappe à la ligne 6 le mot "chidren" c'est plutôt children ainsie que pour la ligne 9 le début de la phrase

A la ligne 15 j'aurais mit "to help them" au lieu de "for help them"

dans 10 min je te corrige la fin


Posté le 20 janv. 2018

Merci beaucoup! :)

Et pour "wich" qui sans la faute de frappe aurait dû être "which" je voulais dire "ce qui" mais je sais pas si c'est correct.

Posté le 20 janv. 2018

oui c'est bon pour which 

pour moi tout est correct

Posté le 21 janv. 2018

Sir president, Ladies and gentlemen jurors,
I know, my client, Rosa has violated the law, has tried to cross the border with fake papers which makes her action illegal.
However, I want to remind that the criminal record of this woman is clean and her action is founded on a reflection and a needed to ask to a growing malaise.
Rosa wanted change her life and those of her husband and her children. They wanted to find a better life in the USA.
Rosa is known that this crossing was dangerous and she didn't want her family takes risks. So, she decided to go alone in the USA to work and send money to them. She don't say to anyone she was leaving for worry no one.
Today, Rosa doesn't have any news of her relatives and they no know where is Rosa and if she is fine.
Take the decision to leave her family was difficult for her but thoughtful. And it was for earning money for them.
Indeed, Rosa and her family live in dire conditions. Nobody never were here to help them.
Listen, I think this woman did it to save her life, to feed and care of her family.
Here we couldn't stand what she lives everyday in Mexico. USA was the last hope, the only way to live in acceptable conditions. The only way to have the life that everybody should have.
Want the good life and the better prospects for persons we love is human.
I think Rosa do not deserve to go again in jail, her act is brave because it was to change her family's life when there are risks for her own life.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Voilà la correction, je n'ai pas précisé ce que j'ai corrigé mais lis bien tout pour être sûr de ne rien avoir oublier en correction.

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