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Publié le 16 avr. 2014 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 19 avr. 2014 dans 10A

Sujet du devoir

Je dois parler pendant 5 minutes d'un sujet que j'ai choisi : cupcake.
J'aurais aimé savoir si quelqu'un peut me corriger le texte et si quelqu'un aurais des idées pour allonger le texte, qui ne fais à l'oral que 2-3 minutes..

Cupcake is a small cake for one person. Cupcake looks like muffin but it is covered with icing.
Cupcake is a cake popular in 1950 create by English people. It name come from unit of cup. The recipe is one cup of butter, two cups of sugar, three cups of flour and four eggs.
It has lost its appeal according to years but in 2000 it returned thanks to the series « sex and the city » because cupcakes is eating in the series.
The icing is very important, it can be cream butter, or icing sugar or meringue or cheese spread.
In 1950, cupcake cooked in a cup but today cupcake is cooked in metal tin with or without adhesive, with time has been invented silicone tin.
There are cupcake mold paper but this is not ecological because is used only once.
Cupcake can be salty or sweet. There is something for everyone.
The cake is used many times : birthday, or during the tea of afternoon. Cupcake is easy to serve and to eat.
There are cookbooks, blogs, and magazines specifically dedicated to cupcakes. Food magazines publish special issues with full-color photography and recipes submitted from all over the country.
I choose this subject because i love eating cupcakes, I make cupcakes when I invite my friends in my house. I find cupcakes is nice because there are lots of colors. I like put tint on the icing. There are lots of variety of cakes, the taste is never the same. The cake I prefer is the « tiramisu » flavor.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

correction du texte et idée pour rallonger le texte afin de faire 5 minutes à l'oral sans faire des phrases compliqués

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 16 avr. 2014

Bonjour, voici quelques corrections...


Cupcakes are small cakes for one person. They look like muffins but they  are covered with icing.
The cupcake is a popular cake of the 1950's created by English people. Its name comes from unit of cup. The recipe is one cup of butter, two cups of sugar, three cups of flour and four eggs.
It has lost its appeal according to years but in 2000 it returned thanks to the series « sex and the city » because  in these series they use to eat themall day long.
The icing is very important, it can be cream butter, or icing sugar or meringue or cheese spread.
In 1950, the cupcakeswere cooked in a cup but today cupcakesare cooked in metal tin with or without adhesive, untillsilicone tins were invented, and that's the way they're prepared most of the time nowadays.
There are cupcake mold paper but this is not ecological because it can be used only once.
Cupcakes can be salty or sweet, so that everyone can find his favourite flavor.
The cake is  served in many occasions : for  birthdays, or during the afternoon's tea time,maybe because they are easy to serve, and to eat.
There are cookbooks, blogs, and magazines specifically dedicated to cupcakes. Food magazines publish special issues with full-color photographies and recipes submitted from all over the country. So I think thaht we can say that this cake is actually appreciated and famous in many countries.

Ici peut-être une ou deux phrases sur la place de ce cupcake en France

I choosed this subject because i love eating cupcakes, I make cupcakes when I invite my friends at home. I find cupcakes are nice and funny because there are lots of colors, that's thereason whyI like to put tint on the icing. There are lots of variety of cakes, the taste is never the same. The cake I prefer is the « tiramisu » flavor.

Posté le 19 avr. 2014

Je pense que tu pourrais mettre la recette des cupcakes cela serait pas mal .

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