Correction oral bac anglais

Publié le 21 mai 2018 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 24 mai 2018 dans 5A
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Sujet du devoir


The file I am going to present here broaches the theme of the world of Imagination. Imagination has no limits, and throughout literature writers have proven to be extremely imaginative. Many have created new worlds, new creatures, alternate realities, or anything out of this world, but always with purpose.

My key question is: What does the imagination bring to the reader?

I have chosen to study an email on the Harry Potter stories of 2007 by a Japanese man. And my second document is the chapter 1 of Narnia by Lewis in 1950. Moreover, I have chosen to illustrate the theme with a complementary photography of Harry Potter Park.

I put these three documents together because I wanted to point out the importance of they represent the imaginary under various forms. Indeed in the first document the story of Narnia shows a parallel world, marvelous in a war world. And the second document also tackles the same question: a reader gives his opinion on the Rollin’s imaginary.Finally; I chose to add this document about the Harry Potter Park because it plunges the reader into another world and meets the imaginary world of literature and the real world.

The first document by Lewis presents the context of the Second World War from the point of view of children. The young characters are sent away from the war, alone in an unknown environment with mysterious people. The writer through his writing shows an escape vision of the war with the help of the Wardrobe that leads to the wonderful world that represents the children of that time and their innocence. Lewis uses writing to denounce war and give it a more poetic character.

My document number 2 is a critic. It says “The world of Harry Potter is a place where the mundane and the marvelous, the ordinary and the surreal coexist. It’s a place where cars can fly and owls can deliver the mail, a place where paintings talk and a mirror reflects people’s innermost desires. It’s also a place utterly recognizable to readers, a place where death and the catastrophes of daily life are inevitable, and people’s lives are defined by love and loss and hope — the same way they are in our own mortal world.” this passage shows that readers of Harry Potter can be found in the main character who is also a teenager in full construction. The character has a mirror effect on the player. Rollin's writing allows the reader to identify and evolve throughout the seven volumes with Harry Potter.

As matter of fact, this Park emphasizes on the impact of creative writing on the reader. Rollin's literature is of great importance to readers who would like to join the fiction of the wizarding world. The creation of this amusement park allows this, and proves that literature can enter our lives.


To conclude, I think the three documents are important because they demonstrate that imaginary literature can represent our life differently, and even become a support to escape into a more beautiful world than ours. The imagination brings to the reader of the dream in moments of their life it is for the one that the fantastic literature has such a success


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir


J'aimerais bien avoir une correction sur mon travail.


Merci de votre aide !

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 22 mai 2018

Je t'ai corrigé ça ici :


J'ai corrigé ce que j'ai trouvé, après il y a peut-être quelques erreurs qui traînent encore par-ci par-là et que je n'aurais pas remarqué, dans ce cas là j'en suis désolé.


Par contre il faudra que tu revoies la dernière phrase de ta conclusion, elle ne veut rien dire...

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