Dialogue en anglais

Publié le 23 nov. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 30 nov. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Je dois effectuer un dialogue est une personne doit avec un probleme puis une autre personne doit le resoudre. Pouvez vous m'aider svp ?

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Je n'arrive vraiment a faire se dialoque :$ J'ai penser faire se dialogue sur un soucis avec un professeur ou un genre commme sa

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 23 nov. 2011
- Hi Jennifer! How are you?
- Hi Cyndy! Not very well!
- What's up Jenny?
- Well, I am in a big trouble... It's a nightmare
- What's wrong Jenny? You can trust me, I will do anything to help you!
- Oh you can't do anything cyndy... This is all about Mrs. Smith
- The Maths teacher?
- Yes the Maths Teacher? She thought I was cheating during our test! And I was not...
- Why did she think so?
- Well, I was about to resolve a maths problem. It was pretty hard and about Pythagor... You know how difficult it is, jenny?
- Yes I know... So what?
- Then my Iphone buzzed and I don't know why but I picked my phone.
- Oh no...
- Yes, and my mother was on the phone... telling me that my dad had a car accident... and...
- And Mrs. Smith thought your mother was helping you...
- Yes she did and I told her that was not true. She did not believe me and told me I would have a F and sent me to the principal.
- No way!
- They want to evict me for a few days...
- Well, I have an idea. Why don't you ask your mother to provide you with the hospital bill because your dad was treated at Nottingham Hospital didn't he?
- Yes, I did not think of this. I was so confused. Thanks Cyndy
- and make an appointment with the principal and your mother. If your father has recovered from his accident, he would be able to testify that he had an accident that day and Mrs. Smith would have to make apologies and everything will be sorted out.
- Cyndy you are a genius! Let's call my mum and we will do what you said.

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