Immigration anglais bac

Publié le 14 mai 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 17 mai 2015 dans 9A
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Sujet du devoir

Bonjour je voudrais avoir une conclusion pour ma notion espace et échanges en anglais ?

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Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

voici mon texte :

I will talk about the notion spaces and exchanges, this notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world.
Exchanges can be movement of people, like immigration, through the world.
So, what drives people to leave their country to go and live in another country and there are only advantages?
At first we will see, why people want to leave their country and go live in another country, then we will see immigration’s advantages. And to conclude, we will see immigration’s problem.
Beginning, in some cases, people want immigrate because there are wars, misery, poverty, famine, in their country. They want to found a new life, a better life.

Thereby, the immigration is an opportunity to build a new life, a better life, in an other space. In class, we have studied “The American dream”. The American dream has long existed, is when an immigrant from scratch, then has a beautiful life. In class, we have seen Ellis Island, the symbol of US immigration. The American dream draws people and drive them to immigrate in America. Indeed, it present many advantages, people can flee misery, poverty, wars and found job, house, car, money, security,.. Thereby, the immigration has many advantages, as have a better life, flee misery, …
However, immigration has not only advantages.
Indeed, when you go in an other space, you must adapt yourself instead, for the good of communities and it’s not easier. To live in good condition, and maybe reach “the American dream”, immigrants must adapt at local culture, local religion, local life style, local food. It’s difficult for immigrants because they feel that they lose their identity, their culture, whereas no. Immigration is an opportunity for people living in poor countries, to flee the misery, poverty , famine ... and find a better life. In some case, people can reach “The American dream”. But the immigration induces the melange. Indeed, immigrants must adapt at local life style, for the good of communities. So the immigration has many advantages, but we can found problems.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 14 mai 2015


Dans ta conclusion tu peux dire que l'immigration créer des avantages et des inconvénients. Il faut que tu fasse une ouverture et que tu dise pourquoi est née l'immigration.

Voila bon courage ;)

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