Lettre de présentation à un correspondant anglais

Publié le 1 mai 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 8 mai 2012 dans 11A
15.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, je dois écrire une lettre pour qu'une famille choisisse de m'héberger lors d'une colonie d'été aux USA. J'aimerais envoyer une lettre correcte , sans fautes d'orthographes etc, pourriez-vous me signaler d'éventuelles fautes? ou encore des conseils pour améliorer cette lettre? merci d'avance

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Dear sir or madam,

This summer I'll fly to the USA, and be accommodated by a family, maybe you. That's why I would like to present myself so that you know me better. My name is Julie, I'm 17. I live on the west coast of France, near to Brest, a nice place just on the seaside. Actually, I live with my two parents (my big sister and two brothers have already left the family house). I also have a little pet, whose name is Njut, it's a Russian hamster.

First, I decided to go to the USA to discover this country. It is for me a child's dream (many different cultures, landscapes, great monuments etc.). I'm actually at school in the 12th Gr, I would take in June the Hight School diploma. Next Year, I will study at the Business School of Brest; thus by this experience, I also hope to progress in English.

As regards my activities, my main passion is the sport. I practise judo three times a week, and I also often run. My second passion is cooking; every week-end, I work in a small Pizzeria, in which I prepare pizza, pastas, salads, potatoes.

I'm kind and sociable-natured. Also dynamic, I wish to take advantage of this journey as much as possible. I don't doubt that this experience will be memorable!

Looking forward to seeing you soon,
Yours sincerely,

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 2 mai 2012
Dear sir and madam,

This summer I am flying to the USA, and will be living in a US family, maybe in your family. That's why I would like to introduce myself so that you know me better. My name is Julie, I'm 17 years old. I live on the west coast of France, near Brest, a nice place just on the seaside. I am currently living with my parents (my older sister and two brothers have already left the family house). I also have a little pet, whose name is Njut, it's a Russian hamster.

First, I have decided to go to the USA because I want to discover this country. It is for me a child's dream (many different cultures, landscapes, great monuments etc.). I'm currently at school in the 12th Gr, I will take the High School degree in June. Next Year, I will study at the Business School of Brest; thus with my experience in the US, I also hope to make some progress in English.

Regarding my activities, my main passion is sport. I practise judo three times a week, and I often run too. My second passion is cooking; every week-end, I work in a small Pizzeria, in which I prepare pizza, pastas, salads, potatoes.

I'm kind and sociable and also dynamic, I would like to take advantage of this stay as much as possible. I don't doubt that this experience will be memorable!

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

Best regards

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