notion anglais : Places and forms of power

Publié le 28 janv. 2018 il y a 6A par Anonyme - Fin › 31 janv. 2018 dans 6A
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Sujet du devoir

 Bonjour tout le monde ! je passe mon oral blanc d'anglais la semaine prochaine et j'aurais besoin de conseils, de correction concernant la synthèse que j'ai réalisé sur la notion : Places and forms of power. Je précise que je suis en LV1 en Terminale S . Merci d'avance !




Où j'en suis dans mon devoir



I’m going to talk about « places and forms of power »

·         Power is the capacity to exercise control or authority over others. It can be a person, a group, or a nation having great influence over people. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. 

·         We will be especially focus on the power of the laws and their limits.

In order to illustrate this notion, I will try to answer the question what are the limits of the second amendments in the USA?

My presentation is made up of two main parts:

I would first like to concentrate on the gun culture in the USA and then I will move on to the limits and the danger of guns.

*First of all, I would like to talk about several documents that we looked at this year

In fact, in class we had analysed some photos and in particularly one who represent the influence of guns.

It’s: Father and child.

This document is a picture of a man holding baby in one hand and a gun in the other.

This photo is very powerful and tries to point out that gun can be view as a protective supply.

Indeed, the author magnifies the man who carry the weapon with an upward shot that makes him look bigger.

But in my opinion, I really feel that this picture can be disturbing or distressing.

In fact, the gun is pointed to the baby and it can be totally in opposition with the message sent by the author.

I really find it hard to believe that guns are not source of danger.


So I would like to talk about the limits of guns.

Although the second amendment voted in 1792 recognize the right to carry weapons, American people are still thinking about a gun control.

This distrust of weapons the last few years is due to an increase of violence and killings because of guns.

In class we have seen a text about the culture of America and their consequences.

In this text, we learn that most young Americans have guns.

This possession of guns is not without negative consequences:

Many massacre and mass shooting were noticed like Jonesboro or columbine.

But, despite these tragedy, guns are still accessible to everyone.

We had also worked on the “Obama tearful speech” who really impressed and touched me.

this speech, by its power, makes aware of the danger the weapon and the massacre that the weapon can cause.

During a class session, we were able to conduct a debate on gun control.

I was able to create arguments for gun control and I realized it was not that easy.

I became aware of the advantages and disadvantages of carrying weapons but that didn’t convince me of the need of guns.


To conclude, I would like to say that, for me, the law of the USA can be easily contested, but the power exercised over guns makes this culture always present in the USA.

More generally, the law has always been a source of conflict, but without law, the society is not viable and become uncontrolled.


1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 29 janv. 2018


The notion I'm going to deal with is "places and forms of power".

·         Indeed,Power is the capacity to exercise control or authority over others. It can be a person, a group, or a nation having great influence over people. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. 

·         We will (sans be) especially focus on the power of the laws and their limits.

In order to illustrate this notion, I will try to answer at the following question: what are the limits of the second amendments in the USA?

My presentation is made up of two main parts:

I would first like to concentrate on the gun culture in the USA and then I will move on to the limits and the danger of guns.

*First of all, I would like to talk about several documents that we studied in class:

In fact, in class we had analysed some photos and in particularly one which represents the influence of guns, and which is called "Father and child".

This document is a picture of a man holding baby in one hand and a gun in the other hand.

This photo is very powerful and tries to point out that gun can be view as a protective supply.

Indeed, the author magnifies the man who carry the weapon with an upward shot that makes him look bigger.

But in my opinion, I really feel that this picture can be disturbing or distressing.

In fact, the gun is pointed to the baby and it can be totally in opposition with the message sent by the author.

I really find it hard to believe that guns are not source of danger.


So I would like to talk about the limits of guns.

Although the second amendment voted in 1792 recognize the right to carry weapons, American people are still thinking about a gun control.

This distrust of weapons the last few years is due to an increase of violence and (doute sur killings) because of guns.

In class we have seen a text about the culture of America and her consequences.

In this text, we learn that most young American people have guns.

This possession of guns is not without negative consequences:

Indeed, many massacres and mass shootings were noticed like Jonesboro or columbine.

But, despite these tragedy, guns are still accessible for everyone.

We had also worked on the “Obama tearful speech” who really impressed and touched me.

this speech, by its power, makes aware of the danger the weapon and the massacre that the weapon can cause.

During a class session, we were able to conduct a debate on gun control.

I was able to create arguments for gun control and I realized it was not (sans that) easy.

I became aware of the advantages and disadvantages of carrying weapons but that didn’t convince me of the need of guns.


To conclude, I would like to say that, for me, the law of the USA can be easily contested, but the power exercised over guns makes this culture always present in the USA.

More generally, the law has always been a source of conflict, but without law, the society is not viable and become uncontrolled.


Avis personnel:

Tu devrais utiliser plus de connecteurs logiques.

- Tu devrais élaborer un plan afin de mieux structurer ton oral.

Tu te démarques des autres qui feront des choses très scolaires = très bon point !

Tu devrais contextualiser ton introduction avant de balancer ta thématique directement (notamment par les massacres dans une université américaine...).


Conseils personnels:

- Apprends ton texte mais aussi des éléments utiles pour l'oral (tournures de phrases, connecteurs logiques (Moreover...)...).

Chronomètre-toi (car j'ai peur que tu dépasses les 5min max).


Voilà, des choses ont pu m'échapper, j'ai essayé de faire mon maximum ;-)

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