Notion Baccalaureat Anglais

Publié le 19 avr. 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 29 avr. 2015 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

J'aurais besoin de votre aide pour corriger ma notion pour mon baccalauréat, la notion présentée est Mythes et Héros. Etant pas très forte en anglais, j'ai essayer de faire de mon mieux, mais il doit rester quelques fautes.. Merci d'avance pour ceux qui m'aideront.


I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes.

A myth is a popular story  that evolved in time and that conveys the ideals of a given society. Heroes are the legitimate characters of myths. A hero is a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or  qualities. It can be the main character in a book or a film or a person with superhuman qualities. It can also be a modern-day hero, a person who has performed a heroic act or simply our own personal hero. To illustrate this I have chosen two documents, the first one is entitled The genius of brother Ray is a press article of Time, and the second is a audio document “Robert Kennedy Announces Martin Luther King death”. I have chosen these documents because now we are going to wonder if these two people represent American heroes?

In a first part, we are going to speak to each other about Ray charles from the press article The Genius of Brother Ray published in Time, an American weekly news magazine. It was published on June the 21th, 2004. First of all Ray Charles was the stage name of Ray Charles Robinson, he died on June 2004. He was given two nickmanes; the genius and Brother Ray, indeed the headline of the document uses Ray Charles’s two nicknames. In my view, Ray Charles is a real heroe, he met two lain handicaps in his life. The first one is that he was black consequently in the 1940’s when he lives in a Southern State being black in the South was a handicap. It meant being segregated and not having the same rights and opportunities as the whites. The second main handicap of Ray Charles appears during his childhood. Indeed, when he was 5 years old, his younger brother drowned in a washtub and Ray Charles sees him. At 7 years old, he went blind. He lost his sight because of an eye disease. Only her mother was present, she wanted him to find ways of overcoming obstacles because it would make him stronger. His mother dead eight years later, in spite of his handicaps he had to manage by himself early in his life. He got to then learn the Braille, what allowed him to approach various kind of music; saoul, rythmn and blues, jazz... Ray Charles sold tens of millions of albums and influenced numerous artists as Elvis Presley, Aretha Franklin.. And in 2004 Rolling Stones Magazine ranked him on their list of the 100 Greatest Artists of all the time.

In the second part, I am going to speak to you about Martin Luther King. This man was born in Atlanta and died in 39 years in 1968 to Memphis, tennesse where he was killed. Martin Luther King is  a nonviolent activist for the civil rights of the Blacks in the United States, for the peace and against the poverty. He led actions and was supported by John F. Kennedy in the fight against the racial segregation in the United States. He dedicated his life to love and justice. Martin Luther King becomes the youngest Nobel Prize winner of the peace in 1964 for his nonviolent fight against the racial segregation and for the peace, and he died in the cause of that effort.

To conclude, these two men represent heroes, indeed Ray charles fought against his handicaps and is considered as a major artist, and Martin Luther King fought to end the segregation against the blacks what cost him the life. They are two characters registered in the history.





Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Si vous pouvez juste me corriger les quelques fautes, ou modifier des mots si ils sont mal utilisés.. Merci d'avance

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 19 avr. 2015

Bonjour, je relève quelques fautes :

A hero is a person who is admired for their courage : "a person" est un singulier, donc tu ne peux pas mettre "their". Il faut mettre "admired for his or her courage".

the first one is entitled The genius of brother Ray is a press article of Time, and the second is a audio document “Robert Kennedy Announces Martin Luther King death” : "the first one is entitled The genius of brother Ray, it is a press article" et "the second one is an audio"

Ray Charles is a real heroe : "hero" ne prend pas de "e". Singulier : "hero". Pluriel : "heroes"

lain handicaps : Que veux-tu dire par "lain" ? 

in the 1940’s when he lives : il faut utiliser du passé : "when he lived" . Le présent de narration est très rare en anglais, quand on parle d'événements passés, il faut utiliser le passé.

The second main handicap of Ray Charles appears during his childhood : Pareil. "appeared"

and Ray Charles sees him : pareil "saw"

ways of overcoming obstacles : "ways to overcome obstacles"

His mother dead eight years later : "His mother died"

He got to then learn the Braille, what allowed him : ordre des mots. "Then, he got to learn Braille" (et pas d'article devant Braille, c'est comme les langues : I learn English et pas I learn the English). "which allowed him" et pas "what allowed him".

tens of millions of albums : "tens" n'existe pas.  On traduit dizaines par "dozens" (ça veut dire douzaine mais c'est le mot le plus proche de dizaine en anglais)

I am going to speak to you about Martin Luther King : Je ne suis pas certaine que le "to you" soit nécessaire, tu as juste besoin de présenter ta partie.

and died in 39 years in 1968 to Memphis : "died at the age of 39 in 1968 in Memphis"

activist for the civil rights of the Blacks in the United States, for the peace and against the poverty : un peu chargé. Les articles ne sont pas nécessaires ici "activist for Black people's civil rights in the United States, for peace and against poverty"

against the racial segregation in the United States : pareil, pas besoin d'article "against racial segregation"

Martin Luther King becomes the youngest : "became" : "Nobel Peace Prize winner"

against the blacks what cost him the life : "against Blacks, which cost him his life"

Voilà, sinon c'est très bien, j'espère que ça t'aide. Bon courage.

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