Notion espace et echange (Anglais term ES)

Publié le 26 avr. 2017 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 29 avr. 2017 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

                                                            Espace et échanges


Introduction :

    I’m going to talk about the notion spaces and exchanges. To begin, I would like to give a definition of exchange. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms : people, trade, information. The immigration is linked to this notion as it implies the notion of legal and illegal people to other countries. During the study we ask why and how it happens immigration in US. We will on the return to the reality of migrants.


I-American dream

What is the AD : The AD propably has a different meaning to every US citizen. For some is the dream of                   freedom and equality for others it’s the dream of a fulfilled like even the dream of fame wealth.

History of the AD : The first settlers hoped for freedom of religion in their home countries they had been persecuted because of their religious and political views. Bad living conditions in Europe and the hope for better living standars in American attracted more and more settlers to migrate to the new world. The booming US industry during the first half of the 20th century caused the myth « form rags to riche ».

The AD : Today’s role o the AD is a matter of discussion some think that the AD is still a viable element today for others it’s only an illusion. The AD focusses on the succes of the individum one hand, this had advantages, and the same advantages are disadvantageous for society.

Transition : The hope to live the AD made of immigrants, individuals wanting at all costs to settle in the USA even if it means to cross the line of legality



The number of illegal immigrants entering the US from Mexico is falling. This is the result of both a worsening law enforcement measures. Efforts to seave the border completely are unlikely to succeed while the incentives for illegal immigration remain so great.

I talk about Ellis Island for more than 12 millions immigrants. Ellis Island was the « Gateway to America » form 1892 to 1954. Most immgrants travvelled form Europe on trans-Atlantic steamships in horribly crowded conditions.

We have seen a docuent ‘’Landing at Ellis Island’’

This document speak about deplorable condition of naviguation. They are a lot of people in a boat. The arrived in the USA was also hard. The migrants were sorted out. Those who had a favored work because they could brought by things to countries.


Conclusion :

For finish, I think immigrate in USA can be a real opportunity because there are lots of Hispanic celebrities who have lived their American Dream by succeeding a career in the USA. For example, Eva Longoria who gree up a ranch near Corpus Christi, in Texas. After graduating from college, she entered a talent contest that brought her to Los Angeles. Eva Longoria became well known worldwide thanks to « Desperate Housewives ». She also has a contract with l’oreal and has been named one of the most beautiful people.


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Je voudrais si possib une correction des fautes si il ya ou des conseils.. Ainsi aussi la note que je suis susceptible d'avoir le jour J.. Je vous remercie

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 26 avr. 2017

Bonjour clem5805809 voici la correction de ton devoir (il y a un mot que je ne comprends pas que j'ai mis en gras):


    I’m going to talk about the notion spaces and exchanges. To begin, I would like to give a definition of exchange. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms: people, trade, information. The immigration is linked to this notion as it implies the notion of legal and illegal people to other countries. During the study we ask why and how it happen immigration in US. We will on the return to the reality of migrants.


I-American dream

What is the AD: The AD probably has a different meaning to every US citizen. For some is the dream of freedom and equality for others it’s the dream of a fulfilled like even the dream of fame wealth.

History of the AD: The first settlers hoped for freedom of religion in their home countries they had been persecuted because of their religious and political views. Bad living conditions in Europe and the hope for better living standards in American attracted more and more settlers to migrate to the new world. The booming US industry during the first half of the 20th century caused the myth « form rags to riche ».

The AD: Today’s role of the AD is a matter of discussion some think that the AD is still a viable element today for others it’s only an illusion. The AD focuses on the success of the individum one hand, this had advantages, and the same advantages are disadvantageous for society.

Transition : The hope to live the AD made of immigrants, individuals wanting at all costs to settle in the USA even if it means to cross the line of legality



The number of illegal immigrants entering the US from Mexico is falling. This is the result of both a worsening law enforcement measures. Efforts to save the border completely are unlikely to succeed while the incentives for illegal immigration remain so great.

I talk about Ellis Island for more than 12 million immigrants. Ellis Island was the « Gateway to America » form 1892 to 1954. Most immigrants travelled form Europe on trans-Atlantic steamships in horribly crowded conditions.

We have seen a document ‘’Landing at Ellis Island’’

This document is about deplorable condition of navigation. They are a lot of people in a boat. They arrived in the USA was also hard. The migrants were sorted out. Those who had a favoured work  is because they could bring things to other countries.



For conclusion, I think immigrate in USA can be a real opportunity because there are lots of Hispanic celebrities who have lived their American Dream by succeeding a career in the USA. For example: Eva Longoria who greed up a ranch near Corpus Christi, in Texas. After graduating from college, she entered a talent contest that brought her to Los Angeles. Eva Longoria became well known worldwide thanks to « Desperate Housewives ». She also has a contract with L’Oreal and has been named one of the most beautiful people.


Posté le 27 avr. 2017

bonjour pouvez vous m'aider pour la traduction de mes deux phrases que j'ai mise aujourd'hui sur le forum ?

Posté le 27 avr. 2017

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Posté le 27 avr. 2017

Je vous remercie 

Posté le 27 avr. 2017


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