Notion Spaces and Exchanges - Anglais, Terminale

Publié le 20 mars 2014 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 14 avr. 2016 dans 8A
15.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir


Enoncé : Faire une présentation de la notion "Espaces et échanges" (Spaces and Exchanges). Cette présentation de la notion dure 5 minutes à l'oral. Dans la présentation de la notion "Espaces et Echanges", il faut faire une introduction avec une définition de la notion, une problématique et un plan. Il faut faire un développement en plusieurs parties (2 ou 3 parties) qui répond à la problématique et qui développe le plan et dans ces différentes parties il faut aussi parler de documents et les relier avec la notion, c'est-à-dire qu'il faut dire en quoi ils illustrent un ou des aspects de la notion. Et enfin, il faut faire une conclusion où on résume ce que l'on a dit dans le développement et où on peut donner son avis/son opinion.




spaces and exchanges

Image concernant mon devoir de Anglais

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voici ma présentation de la notion "Spaces and Exchanges" :


Pour l'introduction, j'hésite entre deux définitions de la notion, pouvez-vous me dire laquelle vous semble la mieux s'il vous plait :

The notion "Spaces and exchanges" deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world.


An exchange is when we give in return for something received – this can be anything from money, ideas, gifts, medical or financial aid. Trade, emigration, wars and disasters have influenced the world as we know it today. Our modern-day world is changing quickly and seems to be a smaller place due to improvements in communications and transport. Interactions and exchanges across the borders have become easier and faster. These different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have transformed and characterised our modern-day world – sometimes for better, sometimes for worse.


Et peut-être dans l'introduction, après la définition, je voulais dire que je vais parler de l'immigration mais j'hésite entre deux paragraphes pour une petite introduction de l'immigration (mais je ne sais pas si c'est nécessaire ou pas), pouvez-vous me dire laquelle vous semble la mieux s'il vous plait :

Among the whole of the propositions offered by the notion "spaces and exchanges", I chose to speak about immigration, mainly in the United States. "A nation of immigrants" describes the United States well since almost everybody there is either an immigrant or a descendant of immigrants.


I'm going to speak about immigration in America that is very important. In effect, when the first English settlers reached the New World, over 40 million people have migrated to the United States. All Americans are immigrants or children of immigrants. The exception is probably the indians. But some anthropologists believe that the Indians themselves were immigrants from another continent.

J'hésite entre plusieurs problématiques, pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait :

  • What are the reasons of immigration?
  • Why did people immigrate to the USA?
  • What could drive people to leave their native land to go in the USA/to go in a new country/to create a new country: America?
  • What are the effects of immigration?


Le plan :

Firstly, we will look at the history and the causes of immigration, then we will talk about the motivations of people to immigrate to the USA, the dangers of the trip and why life was better for immigrants in the USA than in their country of origin, and finally we will see the vision of immigrants of the USA compared with the vision of their country of origin. OU finally, we will talk about the American dream.

Pour la troisième partie, j'hésite entre deux choses : soit un paragraphe sur "the American dream" mais il n'y a pas de document, soit une explication d'une image (couverture d'un journal) où on voit un mexicain qui traverse la frontière.

Développement :

Firstly, the document "Becoming an American part 1" talks about the history and the causes of immigration. Immigration started in 1492. The first wave of immigration took place in the 1500s, the country of origin of immigrants was Spain and they settled in Florida, Mexico and the Carribean. The second wave of immigration took place in the1600s and the countries of origin were England, France, Germany, The Netherlands and Africa, it's not said in the documentary where they settled.
The African immigrants came as captives on slave ships. America is a multiethnic, multicultural country. One third of soldiers in George Washington's revolutionary army were born overseas. (The number of men who signed the Declaration of Independence and who were born overseas was 8.)
Sorrow went rampant in Europe. The problems were : in Ireland the potatoe famine, in Germany the political upheavals, in Scandinavia Land shortages, in Central Europe the Antisemetism, and in Western Europe the massive unemployment due to industrial revolution.


Peut-être faudrait-il une transition entre les parties, mais je ne sais pas comment la faire...


Secondly, the document "A Nation of immigrants" is an extract from the book "A Nation of immigrants" written by John. F. Kennedy. This text is about immigration in America. People immigrated to the USA because they were looking for riches, freedom, religious toleration, a better life and because they were escaping from poverty, political oppression, religious persecution and economic hardship in their own countries.
The immigrants had to face a lot of dangers and difficulties on their way to America. They had to save up money for the trip. They had to leave their home country and say goodbye to people they loved and would never see again. They had to travel to the ports of embarkation. On the way, they could be attacked by outlaws. Sometimes, they had to stop on the way in order to work for food. They had to wait in the ports until they found a boat. The trip was wery long, hard and dangerous. There were storms, boats were not very safe at that time. They could get ill and die on the way.
Life was better for immigrants in the USA than in their country of origin because in the USA everything was new, there were no social barriers. The immigrants could forget about who they were in the old world and the fixed place that they had in that society. They had to turn to the future. In the USA, if they worked hard, they could make money. In the USA, there was no political oppression or religious persecution as in their country of origin.


Peut-être faudrait-il une transition entre les parties, mais je ne sais pas comment la faire...


(J'ai mis en pièce jointe la couverture du magazine pour la troisième partie) Thirdly, the document is a cover of the magazine "Business Week". It is focused on immigration in the USA. We can see that the picture of this cover is divided into two parts with in the middle a man who looks like a Mexican, and there is a contrast between the first and the second part.

In the first part, we can see in the background a no man's land with barbed wire that seems to be the Mexico-United States border and in the foreground a man who's trying to cross the border and he is wearing dirties clothes and carrying a bag, while in the second part the man carrying a shopping bag, he is wearing smart clothes and he seems happy, and in background a perfect lawn with many large and luxurious American home and beautiful blue sky.
I think that through the variance between the landscape, and the man's clothes, this cover of magazine shows the change of way of life OU of lifestyle and of (living) environment thanks to the work that offers the USA OU that the USA offers for an immigrant.





pour la troisième partie, j'hésite entre la couverture du magazine ou faire un paragraphe sur le rêve américain (The American Dream) mais sans document. Pouvez-vous me dire lequel vous semble le mieux pour la troisième partie s'il vous plait.

Voici le paragraphe sur le rêve américain "The American dream" pour la troisième partie :

Thirdly, the American dream is the notion that the American social, economic, and political system makes success possible for every individual. Someone who manages to achieve their version of the American dream is said to be “living the dream”.
Many people criticize the idea of the American dream because they say that it is impossible for everyone to be able to fulfill their dreams – there are still inequalities in class, race, religion and ethnicity preventing people from “living the dream”.
The idea of the American dream is older than the USA itself – it dates back to the 1600s, when people began to have hopes for what was a new and largely unexplored continent to European immigrants. People dreamt of owning land and establishing a prosperous business and hoped that this would make them happier.
Today’s the definition of the American dream is much different. Most people nowadays hope that they will get married, have childrens and live in a nice home. Rather than looking for great wealth or success, people hope to avoid poverty or loneliness.

Mais bon je ne suis pas sur que ce paragraphe sur "The American dream" soit bon car il ne parle pas vraiment d'espaces ("spaces") et d'échanges ("exchanges") non  ?


To conclude, I wonder if the lives of immigrants in the United States are really better than the ones they might have in their country of origin since they earn too little money to live in good conditions. Indeed it is harder for them to integrate and they face discrimination because they don’t share a common culture with the USA.

(Je pense que je dois dire d'autres choses dans la conclusion mais je ne sais pas trop quoi dire)

Fiche de Révision

La notion d'espaces et échanges est un des quatre thème abordé en anglais en terminale pour l'oral de bac. 

Voici ici quelques pistes pour l'analyse de ce thème et la préparation de votre oral de bac

Tout d'abord, il faut définir chaque terme.

  • Echange : cela évoque le fait d'échanger, une ou plusieurs personnes qui donnent et reçoivent. Plusieurs types d'échanges peuvent être abordés : les échanges commerciaux, financiers, culturels, les flux migratoires...
  • Espace : où ont lieu ces échanges, quelles en sont les limites, y a-t-il des frontières ou bien des lieux d'ouverture ?

Enfin, il est nécessaire de lier votre développement avec les documents vus en cours. Choisissez une thématique et explorez-la en deux ou trois axes.

Pour ce qui est de la forme de votre oral, vous devez tout d'abord introduire la présentation. C'est ici que vous donnerez les définitions des termes. Vous devez également dégager une problématique à laquelle vous tenterez de répondre le plus précisément possible. Mettez en relation les termes et leur définition avec votre problématique. Le développement se fait en deux ou trois axes, c'est à dire deux ou trois idées générales qui doivent toutes contenir un argument et au moins un exemple. Enfin, faites une conclusion dans laquelle vous reprenez les grandes idées de votre développement et répondez à votre problématique, votre dernière phrase peut ouvrir sur un prolongement de votre sujet.

Attention tout au long de la présentation à la correction grammaticale et syntaxique. Entraînez vous au maximum pour parfaire votre accent également.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 20 mars 2014

deja je trouve que c'est tres bien ce que ta fait!! pour la conclusion elle est bien mais il faut plus de details  plus essaye de reprendre de l'introduction et du developpement tout et puis conclue ce que tu a ecrit

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