Oral d'anglais - "Seats and formes a power " Bac

Publié le 7 mai 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 10 mai 2016 dans 7A
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Sujet du devoir


Je passe l'oral d'anglais du baccalauréat très bientôt, et viens tout juste de terminer la préparation du dernier thème que je vais devoir présenter, à savoir " places and formes of power" . Pour m'assurer une bonne note, j'aimerai avoir quelques avis sur mon devoir, et même si possible une correction complète de mes fautes. 

En vous remerciant d'avance et en espérant aider certain d'entre vous :)

Merci :D

Voici mon devoir que je vais devoir présenter pendant 5 minutes :

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir


This year in class, we talked about the notion « places and formes of power ».So, Places can be defined as a important buildings, country, state or institutions that represent a certain form of power, power wich is the ability to influence people's behaviour. In order to live together, members of a community accept rules and laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it. In class, we illustrated this idea with the example of the African-American civil rights movement, trought the story of  Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and abraham lincolm. All three fought against desiguality betwen black and whit in the usa.

So What effect have they had on the USA as we know it today?

To answer this question, i'm going to talk about Rosa parks Martin luther King and Abraham Lincolm during the African American Civil Right Movement wich took place from 1955 to 1968 .



First, Martin Luther King was an African American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the American civil rights movement who had a very important role in the history of the USA. He wanted equality for all, he fought against discrimination in the domains of suffrage, justice, education. In class, we studied the famous speech of Martin Luther King “I have dream”. In his speech , he denounced the conditions of the black people in the US in the past and at the time of his speech. Indeed, white and black population was not treated in the same way, especially because of the Jim crow Laws. These laws, which are a major element of racial segregation in the United States, were state and local laws enforcing racial segregation in the Southern United States.Thereby , there was segregated places like toilets, parks or shools. Thus, in his speech, martin luther king express his desire to remove those laws in order that black and white be treated as egal . And, thank’s to his fight against racial sergregation, those laws were totally abolished by the Civil Rights Act in 1964 .

But, he was not the only one who fought against this law and the norms imposed during this period.


Rosa Parks who was sitting on a seat reserved for whites, refused to obey a bus driver who asked him to leave his place and go sit at the bottom of the vehicle. She Was subsequently arrested and taken to jail for her defiance. Rosa Parks who contributed to the Americans' awareness becomes an icon of the struggle against racial segregation and the struggle for civil rights in the United States. For his part, MLK launch a non-violent protest campaign and a boycott against the Montgomery bus company. Finally November 13, 1956, the Supreme Court break segregationist laws in the bus, declaring them unconstitutional after more than 1 year of boycott.

But before them, Abraham Lincolm fought against slavery in the United States.



Indeed, Abraham Lincolm who was the 16th president of the USA was against slavery and lead the American civil war. This war opposed the Northern states, which were against slavery, and the Southern states, wich were for it. The North won, and slavery was abolished in 1863. In 1965, the 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United states gives blacks the right to vote and equality with white people. But unfortunately, the south is sacked by profiteers from North and in reaction, Southern whites created  terrorist movements, the most famous being the Ku Klux Klan. So,they brutalized former slaves and sometimes kill them to prevent them from using their civic rights. It will take almost a century and other amendments to the Constitution before the civil rights of the descendants of slaves are recognized everywhere. Ex : 1964 ; Civil rights act .


Thus, we have seen that the united states the laws have been widely discussed, particularly in the context of racial segregation and slavery, causing many conflicts; while current laws seemed absolute, people were able to fight for their ideals against the institutions in place and the power exercised but even today it is still a source of conflict.

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 7 mai 2016

au debut met un accroche genre : I'm going to deal with the notion Seats and form of power

Posté le 7 mai 2016

Ce n'est pas ce que j'ai fais avec : "This year in class, we talked about the notion « places and formes of power » " ? Sinon, aucune faute à signaler ?

Merci pour ton aide en tout cas :)

Posté le 7 mai 2016

la mienne est mieux je trouve xD. c est celle que ma prof me dis de mettre a chaque fois.

sinon je trouve que ta synthese est pas mal :)

Posté le 7 mai 2016

D accord merci :D Je vais changer la phrase d'accroche alors . Tu ne penses pas que ça fait trop pour 5 minutes ?

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