Oral d'anglais sur "Seats and from of power"

Publié le 29 avr. 2017 il y a 6A par Anonyme - Fin › 2 mai 2017 dans 6A
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Sujet du devoir

 Bonjour à tous, 

Je viens de finir ma première notion pour mon oral d’anglais, je n'ai pas encore fais la conclusion mais je souhaiterais quand même avoir des avis sur le contenu :) 


Introduction:I’m going to discuss about the notion “Seats and forms of power”. To begin with I’d like to give a definition of those terms. According to me, a seat is a place, an area and power means the ability to control others, events or resources. So to argue with this notion I will dealt with Higher Education especially in the UK and the US. Indeed in these countries the cost of universities is really prohibitive. In fact the price of higher education is on average between 15 000€ and 22 000 € per year. This situation has created inequalities and dig a social gap.

However, should everybody be allow to study without paying anything and to what extent the degrees are instruments of power?

First I’m going to talk about the advantages of tuitions fees and will also rise the drawbacks, finally we will see why education is a form of power.


I) The advantages of the tuitions fees:

A)  Investment for the future: 

First of all we know that since 2010, English government voted a new law which allows the raising of the tuitions fees. This law caused a lot of trouble and demonstration from the students. On the one hand the tuitions fees can be viewed as a kind of investment for the future. In deed the high price provide you a job more or less well paid, which is significantly harder without a degree as said James in the document “For or against the rise of the tuitions fees”.He also said that the universities have a large gap to fill in and it’s pretty logical that the students are asked to make a contribution to plug the gap. And if they drop out of school their payments stop too. That is quiet fair.


B)  Wage for the teachers:

Furthermore the tuitions fees permits to pay all the teachers from the campus, and according to the place they teach their wage can be high. For example the teachers from the Ivy League are more paid than a teacher from a standard university. The Ivy League is a group of eight institutions of higher education in the Northeastern of the US. Those institutions are famous for being the most selective and prestigious universities in the world that shape the excellence and made elites. Mostly rich and well brought up people go there.


C)  Used to maintain the campus:  

In addition the tuitions fees can be used to maintain the building, in fact some prestigious universities have a huge campus with restaurants, library, sport areas, or student residences that worth to be well preserved.


D)  There is solutions:

Finally students can borrow money to pursue their education, they have access to grants. They have to be ready to cope with debts and thanks to their degree they could pay back their loans.



II) The drawbacks of the tuitions fees:

A)  Degree will become a status symbol:

On the other hand the cost of universities caused a large debate and troubles because it draws a lot of drawbacks for students. Now your degree will become a status symbol, a reflection of money rather than of people’s effort, it won’t reflect the hard achieved work. The cost of higher education will forced those with genuine aspirations and vocational goals to find a new direction more accessible. This is a really unfair fact especially for the middle class and those with limited means.


B)  Avoid projects:    

Even if now students can borrow money, they still will have a huge debt to pay back during decades and it avoid kind of projects. Having a debt will be a disability, a weight for students. They will not be able to commit oneself through some projects because of that.


C)  Reduce the diversity:

Finally, the value of university isn’t only obtaining a degree and developing a career, it’s also a seat to make new friends and meet different people. But if the cost of higher education raises up, only people from the middle and upper class will study, it will created a social gap because some class would be indirectly excluded. So tuition fees will drastically reduce the diversity of people in university further adding to the separation of classes and devaluing the wider experience of going to university.       


III) Degrees are instruments of power:

A)  Passport for life:

Even if education has a price, it’s important to pursue it if you can. 

First of all because education embody a form of power. Indeed thanks to education and knowledge, you’ll earn a degree which provides you a job, and it’s like a passport for life. This will allow you to manage your finance and plan your future. Without degree and job it’s impossible to commit oneself through projects.


B)  Education is the key to freedom:

Then having a degree will make your life easier. Indeed as said Lincoln "Education is the key which paves us through the doors of freedom". Education gives us all the knowledge. It's a key through which we can rule the world. If we are educated, then where ever we go, or whatever we do, we can do it with much confidence and exactness.

If we aren't educated, we may be hesitant or we may not able to do things. An educated man enjoys freedom. He can prove his talent through various fields.


C)  Education is a weapon:

Education is the most powerful weapons we have as citizens of the world. Education provides us with the knowledge to shape the world into something we consider livable and appealing. War can only establish a temporary victory. Education can make social victories permanent. Finally as said Nelson Mandela “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world”.



N'hésitez surtout pas à donner vos avis q'ils soient négatifs ou positifs,

Merci beaucoup.


2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 30 avr. 2017

Je vais la faire sur une feuille et je l'envoi en photo 

Posté le 30 avr. 2017

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