oral d'anglais sur lieux et forme de pouvoir

Publié le 15 avr. 2018 il y a 6A par Anonyme - Fin › 17 avr. 2018 dans 6A

Sujet du devoir

je dois passer mon oral d'anglais sur lieux et forme de pouvoir.

J'ai juste besoin qu'on me corrige et aussi si possible raccourcir les partie car je ne pense pas que je pourrais tous apprendre par coeur sachant que j'ai encore les 3 autre à apprendre. 

Merci pour ceux qui m'aiderons.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Places and Forms of Power

I’m going to talk about the notion of place and forms of power. To started, I would like to define the notion. "Places” could be important buildings or institutions which represent a certain form of power or a symbol of power. In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence and contol the behavior of people. In the USA, the police, the authorities exercise their power over the African-American population That's why my question is: what power exercise the authorities over African Americans and what are the consequences? To answer it, we will see in a first part the police powers and in a second part the consequences.

First of all, in United-States, there are police officers who shoot at African-Americans. For example, we see the case of Micheal Brown, an eighteen-year-old black man, who was fattaly shot by Daren Wilson, a white Fergusson Police Officers in 9th August 2014. Micheal Brown  was shoot by twelve gunshot drawn while he had hand in air. This is also the case of Traivor Martin, a 17-year-old African American who was shot by George Zimmerman on February 26, 2012 in Sanford, Florida. We can also see the example of Oscar Grant, 22 who was shot in the early hours of the New Year's Day 2009 by the police officer Johannes Mehserle. Then, there are police officers exercise violent powers that sometimes exceed the limits. Indeed, the incident of the Algiers Motel in Detroit on the night of July 25 to 26, 1967 shows three black teenagers who are beaten and killed by police and nine other people, two white women and seven black men who are severely beaten and then humiliated by members of the Detroit Police Department. For example, in Katheryn Bigelow's "Detroit" film released in 2017, we see how the police abused their power over African Americans at the motel but also during the riot.


Police sometimes exercise abusive powers over African-Americans. These acts lead to consequences such as riots and tensions. Indeed, the death of Micheal Brown for example has caused riot in Fergusson with tensions racial with the intention of protesting against police brutality contrary to the Blacks in the United States. This was also the case after the death of Trevor Martin and Oscar Grant. Several protest and march took place in many cities for the police to be charged with murder. In fact, the officers of these three murder cases have designated as not guilty because it was self defense. This is why these riots and violence took place in numerous cities. Then, we can see that there are uprising of five days in Detroit because of a police raided in a bar blind-pig. For exemple, in the newspaper, we can see that the mobs burn and loot 800 stores. 724 poeple has been arrested and are in jail.

In conclusion, we can say that the police have control over African-Americans because they are not charged with murder. They exert abusive power over African-Americans leading to riots and racial tension.

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 15 avr. 2018

Places and Forms of Power

I’m going to talk about the notion of place and forms of power. First of all, I would like to define the notion. "Places” could be important buildings or institutions which represent a certain form of power or a symbol of power. In politics and social sciences, power is the ability to influence and contol the behavior of people. In the USA, the police, the authorities exercise their power over the African-American population That's why my question is: what kind of power exercise the authorities over African Americans and what are the consequences? To answer it, we will see in at first  the police powers and secondly the consequences.

First of all, in the United-States, there are police officers who shoot  African-Americans. For example, we see the case of Micheal Brown, an eighteen-year-old black man, who was lethally shot by Daren Wilson, a white Fergusson Police Officer the 9th August 2014. Micheal Brown  was shot by twelve gunshots  while he had his hands up. This was also the case of Traivor Martin, a 17-year-old African American who was shot by George Zimmerman on February 26th, 2012 in Sanford, Florida. We can also see the example of Oscar Grant, 22 who was shot in the early hours of the New Year's Day 2009 by the police officer Johannes Mehserle. Then we can say that some police officers exercise violent powers that sometimes exceed the limits. Indeed, the incident of the Algiers Motel in Detroit on the night of July 25th to 26th, 1967 shows three black teenagers who were beaten and killed by police and nine other people, two white women and seven black men who were severely beaten and then humiliated by members of the Detroit Police Department. For example, in Katheryn Bigelow's "Detroit" film released in 2017, we see how the police abused their power over African Americans at the motel but also during the riot.


Police sometimes exercise abusive powers over African-Americans. These acts lead to consequences such as riots and tensions. Indeed, the death of Micheal Brown for example caused riots in Fergusson with racial tensions  with the intention of protesting against police brutality contrary to the Blacks in the United States. This was also the case after the death of Trevor Martin and Oscar Grant. Several protests and marches took place in many cities for the police to be charged with murder. In fact, the officers of these three murder cases were designated as not guilty because it was self defense. This is why these riots and violence took place in numerous cities. Then, we can see that there are uprising of five days in Detroit because of a police raided in a bar blind-pig. For exemple, in the newspaper, we can see that "the mobs burn and loot 800 stores. 724 poeple has been arrested and are in jail".

In conclusion, we can say that the police in the USA have a certain impunity because most of the time  they are not charged with murder. They exercise abusive power over African-Americans leading to riots and racial tension.

Posté le 15 avr. 2018

Merci pour la correction.

Tu pense que c'est bien ce que j'ai fait ou pas?

Et quel passage pense tu que c'est inutile ? Car je n'arriverai jamais à apprendre tous ça pour mardi 17


Posté le 15 avr. 2018

Je pense que ce n'est pas le meilleur que j'ai lu mais c'est correct, ca vaut une bonne moyenne. Il faut que tu l'apprennes en entier parce qu'en fait il n'est pas très long si tu fais plus court c'est sûr que ça ne passera pas.

Pense aussi que tant que c'est toi qui déroule ton texte tu maitrises la parole. Si tu tiens peu de temps tu auras des questions en plus et ce n'est pas sûr que ça t'avantage.

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