Oral seats and forms of power

Publié le 9 mai 2018 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 12 mai 2018 dans 5A

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Bonjour, je passe mon oral dans pas très longtemps, cela m'aiderait beaucoup qu'on me corrige mes fautes. Merci d'avance :)

Today, I am going to talk about seats and forms of power. Bus first, let me define those notions. The,
power is the ability to exercise control, authority and influence on the others. “Places” could be important buildings or institutions which represent a certain form of power or a symbol of power. They are different categories of power such as the financial power, the power of press, the political power. But, even if having power can be useful by spreading useful and positive message such as the abolition of slavery with Lincoln in 1865 some people also uses power in a bad way.
What are the limits to power? In what way can power be abused? That what we are going to ask us by focusing on three different types of power: the power of advertising, the power of press and finally, the political power.

I The power of advertising
First of all, We saw in an article called the power of advertising the importance of advertising in our everyday lives and its dangers. Indeed, the author says that advertising can influence our purchases as well as brainwash us into thinking that owning some products makes us somehow more visible socially. Advertising spread the idea of the more we consume, the happier we should be . This is the limits of the power of advertising by spreading fake messages and pushes us to buy some stuff we don’t really need. +pubs sexistes

II The power of press
Secondly, even if freedom of speech, freedom of opinion is really important and that liberty of press represents those two freedoms; we have seen that sometimes press abused the power she has. As we heard it on the audio document called One scandal too Many, The News International phone-hacking scandal is a controversy involving News of the World and other British newspapers published by News International. The newspapers were accused of phone hacking of celebrities, politicians, members of the British Royal Family and some victims of tragic events. This scandal shows us the limits to power of press, in that case, a newspaper uses it influence and it contacts to do illegal stuff and horrible actions just to win a lot of money, to sell a lot of copies by having scoops.
Furthermore, this scandal highlights the problem of Press’s empire such as News of the World who is guilty for the phone hacking scandal. Indeed, that firm own as much newspapers that it is legitimate to ask us if there is really a freedom of press if one and only person controls everything.

III The political power
Finally, in the last year we had so many political scandals that of course there is limits to political power, political power have been abused several times. Indeed, we have seen in class with the best and the worst us presidents that political power has been abused. For example, Warren Harding, the 29th president, he uses his position to chase skirts, play poker, father an illegitimate child, take advantages of the job. Nixon is another example of political abuses, we all know about Watergate scandal, on june 1972 police arrested five men for breaking into the Democratic Party’s national headquarters at the Watergate apartment complex and FBI proved that Nixon was tied to this break-in. We can also talk about Andrew Johnson, the first president ever to get impeached, he was stubborn, inflexible and a real racist.
Of course, we can also talk about politicians who use their power to turn their country into dictatorship, like in North Korea or in China where the population has no rights; there is no liberty of press, no freedom of speech or opinion, no free access to internet, in those cases political power abuses are even more dangerous.

To conclude, politic, press and advertising are an abuse of power and practice sometimes limits. Indeed, they have got a lot of power on today’s society, a power which is difficult to regulate. We show that power of those different categories overtaken the limits of power when there is bad consequences for the population like for dictatorship or phone hacking scandal.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 9 mai 2018

C'est bien mais je referai la conclusion si j'étais toi car elle n'est pas très claire et elle manque un peu d'ouverture


Today, I am going to talk about seats and forms of power. Bus first, let me define those notions. The,
power is the ability to exercise control, authority and influence on the others. “Places” could be important buildings or institutions which represent a certain form of power or a symbol of power. They are different categories of power such as the financial power, the power of press, the political power. But, even if having power can be useful by spreading useful and positive messages such as the abolition of slavery with Lincoln in 1865 some people also use power in a bad way.
What are the limits to power? In what way can power be abused? That is what we are going to ask us by focusing on three different types of power: the power of advertising, the power of press and finally, the political power.

I The power of advertising
First of all, We saw in an article called the power of advertising the importance of advertising in our everyday lives and its dangers. Indeed, the author says that advertising can influence our purchases as well as brainwash us into thinking that owning some products makes us somehow more visible socially. Advertising spreads the idea of the more we consume, the happier we should be . This is the limits of the power of advertising by spreading fake messages and pushes us to buy some stuff we don’t really need. +pubs sexistes

II The power of press
Secondly, even if freedom of speech, freedom of opinion is really important and that liberty of press represents those two freedoms; we have seen that sometimes press abused the power she had. As we heard it on the audio document called One scandal too Many, The News International phone-hacking scandal is a controversy involving News of the World and other British newspapers published by News International. The newspapers were accused of phone hacking of celebrities, politicians, members of the British Royal Family and some victims of tragic events. This scandal shows us the limits to power of press, in that case, a newspaper uses it influence and it contacts to do illegal stuff and horrible actions just to win a lot of money, to sell a lot of copies by having scoops.
Furthermore, this scandal highlights the problem of Press’s empire such as News of the World who is guilty for the phone hacking scandal. Indeed, that firm own as much newspapers that it is legitimate to ask us if there is really a freedom of press if one and only person controls everything.

III The political power
Finally, in the last year we had so many political scandals that of course there are limits to political power, political power has been abused several times. Indeed, we have seen in class with the best and the worst us presidents that political power has been abused. For example, Warren Harding, the 29th president, he used his position to chase skirts, play poker, father an illegitimate child, take advantages of the job. Nixon is another example of political abuses, we all know about Watergate scandal, on june 1972 police arrested five men for breaking into the Democratic Party’s national headquarters at the Watergate apartment complex and FBI proved that Nixon was tied to this break-in. We can also talk about Andrew Johnson, the first president ever to get impeached, he was stubborn, inflexible and a real racist.
Of course, we can also talk about politicians who use their power to turn their country into dictatorship, like in North Korea or in China where the population has no rights; there is no liberty of press, no freedom of speech or opinion, no free access to internet, in those cases political power abuses are even more dangerous.

To conclude, politic, press and advertising are an abuse of power and practice sometimes limits. Indeed, they have got a lot of power on today’s society, a power which is difficult to regulate. We show that power of those different categories overtaken the limits of power when there is bad consequences for the population like for dictatorship or phone hacking scandal.


Posté le 10 mai 2018

Merci beaucoup, je vais suivre tes conseils et réécrire ma conclusion.

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