Plusieurs petit exercice d'anglais

Publié le 19 mars 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 18 mars 2012 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

j'aurai besoin de savoir si mes exercice sont à peu près correct !!

Voici le texte :
Eden project : the greatest theatre of plants and people in the world.
Opend in march 2001 at Boldeva, Cornwall, south west England, Eden project is the largest conservatory in the world.
It is made of football-shaped domes called " biomes ".
The biggest biome is 200 metres long, 100 metres wide and 47 metres high.
The domes are made of hexagons (625 in total) with some pentagons, just like honeycombs made by bees.
The whole structure (glass and steel ) weighs just 667 tons and is based in a 50-meter deep crater.
Three of the world's climate zones have been chosen for interpretation.
The largest biome is for " the humid tropics" (rainforest and tropical islands) ; the second biome is for the " warm temperate regions " ( the mediterranean, south africa and california ) .
There is also a third dome, the " outdoor biome " , with plants from India, Russia, The atlantic rainforests...
This project shows the interdependance of plants an people : plants and people need each other for survival.
Visitors understand thath man must respect the balance of nature.
Eden project uses exhibitions, art, storytelling, workshops,
lectures and events to put messages across to both public and formal education groups.
A new education centre, the core, is going to open and a third biome for semi-arid plants will be built to be the final element of this living theatre.

Voici mes exercices :

Exercice 1

Vrai ou faux ? Justifiez toutes vos réponses en vous appuyant sur le texte.

a. The Eden Project conservatory is in Bolivia.

- False. The Eden Project conservatory is in south west England at Boldeva, Cornwall.

b. In the biomes, plants from all climate zones are grown.

- False. There are only three of climate zones that have been chosen, while the world possesses five zones in total.

c. There are two biomes.

- True. The first the largest biome is for " the humid tropics“. The second biome is for the " warm temperate regions ".

d. The biomes are made of plastic ans wood.

- False. The whole structure is in glass and in steel

e. The project shows that man can live without the plants.

- False. This project shows the interdependance of plants and that the people need each other for survival.

Exercice 2

Trouvez dans le texte les mots correspondants aux définitions suivantes.

a. It looks like a football.

- The domes.

b. They make honey.

- By bees.

c. They have five sides.

- Hexagons.

d. A unit of weight equal to 22.40 ponds.

- 625.

e. A public place where things are shown.

- Exhibitions.

f. A word used to refer to two things.

- Second.

g. A building where plays and shows are performed.

- Theatre.

h. A very large hole in the ground.

- Deep crater.

Exercice 3

Traduisez le passage entre crochets (de << Eden project >> à << 47 metres high. >>).

- Eden projet est le plus grand conservatoire dans le monde.
Il ressemble à un ballon de football en forme de dômes appelés «biomes».
Le plus grand biome est de 200 mètres de long, 100 mètres de large et 47 mètres de haut.

Exercice 4

Mettre les adjectifs suivants au comparatif puis au superlatif de supériorité.

a. Heavy

- Heavier.
- Heaviest.

b. Interdependent

- Interdependent.
- Interdependent.

c. High

- Higher.
- Highest.

d. Wide

- Wider.
- Widest.

Exercice 5

a. Le climat devient plus chaud dans l'hémisphère nord.

- The climate becomes warmer in the northern hemisphere.

b. On plantera des plantes tropicales dans un biome.

- Tropical plants will be planted in a biome.

c. Pourquoi ne visiterions-nous pas << Eden project >> ?

- Why do not we visiterions << >> Eden Project ?

d. Et si on allait en cournouailled pour les vacances ?

- Let's go for holidays in Cornwall ?

Exercice 6

Write a short paragraph in about 70 words on the following subject.
Compare life in tropical countries and life in the desert. Where would you rather live ? Use link words expressing contrast.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Bonjour tout le monde
Voilà j'ai fait tout mes exercices sauf le 6 je n'est pas trop idées mais j'aimerai bien savoir si les autres sont à peu près bon merci
Bonne soirée

6 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 19 mars 2012
3 Je pense qu'il y a 3 biomes
There is also a third dome, the " outdoor biome " , with plants from India, Russia, The atlantic rainforests...
Posté le 19 mars 2012
e- False:this project shows the interdependance of plants and people : plants and people need each other for survival. Man can't live without the plants
...need each other ... ont besoin les uns des autres
Posté le 19 mars 2012
2c ..five sides: pentagons
2f- both
Posté le 19 mars 2012
Le projet Eden est la plus grande serre au monde.Il est fait de dômes en forme de ballon appelés BIOMES.Le plus grand biome fait 200m de long...
Posté le 19 mars 2012
Posté le 19 mars 2012
Merci hocuspocus

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