Presenter un film en anglais

Publié le 5 nov. 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 9 nov. 2016 dans 7A
11.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Je suis en terminal en pro je dois presenter a l'oral un film en anglais.

In the first part,i will present the film


"type of film"

"directed by"

"produced by"

"written by"

"starring (the cast)"

"Release date ( released in...)"

"running time (it lasts)"


"Other information"


then in the second part,i will tell about the story. "Summary of the film (the story)"


Finally,in the thired part,i will give a critic of the movie and my opinion

"critic of the film (good points/bad points /your opinion"



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