Rédaction d'anglais

Publié le 21 mars 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 24 mars 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Il s'agit de faire un dialogue entre un soldat (médecin) et son commandant lui annonçant une mission. Puis de décrire la mission et les sentiments du personnage avant/pendant/après la mission. Pouvez vous me corriger ?

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

The general called Ruddy, doctor in his battalion, to his hoffice.
" I Ruddy, I have a delicate mission to confide to you. I believe that you speak usually German. Is it true ?" asked he.
" Yes my general "
" So, you're the ideal person. Of course, this mission is dangerous. If you are discovered, you should say anything, even under torture. Do you accept ? " said he seriously.
" Yes. I only ask to serve my country! "
" Well. Here the mission : a very important man, Alebert, was stopped by the Gestapo. He controls several resistance networks. Germans will certainly question him with methods wich you know! You must penetrate in Kommandantur and try to find him. If he is still alive, ask him questions about this paper. Then, as you are a doctor, find means to kill him. Your gesture will avoid tortures to him. Can you assure that you will do that? "
3 Yes my general. I understand your request. I am a doctor, therefore called to look after patients. But I will not hesitate to make his death easier " said I.
" Perfect! Leave as quickly as possible. Courage! Live England!"
" In less than one hour I will be on the spot. live England!"

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 21 mars 2011
Je te propose quelques modifs:
"a delicate mission" : "difficult" or "unique" plutôt
"to confide in you" veut dire "se confier à qq'un", je propose "to entrust you with" ou simplement "for you"
"speak usually German". Non: "speak German fluently"
"asked he" est incorrect, "he asked" est ok
"you should say anything" est incorrect. Dans ce sens "you should not say anything"
"said he", incorrect, "he said"
"methods wich you know": mets "methods you know about"
"penetrate in Kommandantur": mets "in the K.", je n'aime pas trop "penetrate".
"your gesture will avoid tortures to him": mets "your action will save him from torture".
"Can you assure" . mets "are you sure you can do that?"
"said I", même chose, "I said"
"Live England" est incorrect. "Si tu veux dire "vive l'angleterre", on dit "to England". Attention, England n'est pas le Royaume Uni qui se dit "Britain".

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