Serait-il possible de me corriger mon expression en anglais

Publié le 3 nov. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 10 nov. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Nous devons écrire une lettre à Madame Jobs afin de lui montrer notre reconnaissance envers son mari, à propos de ce qu'il a fait.. J'aurais aimé que vous me corrigiez mes fautes d'orthographe, expression, grammaire..
Merci par avance.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Dear Madam Jobs,

I am writing to tell you about your husband. It was an extraordinary man. He has created the Mac, I pod, I phone, I pad and many others technolgy. You don't know, how am I grateful.When I knew that Sir Jobs had died, you don't know, how I cried. Today, I think about all I can do, and I am very disappointed because now the products will be not the same than before. What would be I, if he did not have was there ! I think I could not speak, share photos, videos with my friends, my family in USA, Australia and in many others country. It will be a disaster. My life will be so sad ! Hope it is good well for this terrible trial

I promes you, I will go to see your husband, because it is important for me and I think that it is for you too.

Yours truly

John Brent

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 3 nov. 2011
It was an extraordinary man --> he was a wonderful man , technology---> technologies , you don't know how I'm grateful to him , had died ----> died ,will be not -> won't be, What would be I, if he did not have was there --> what would I be if he wasn't here, I promes you ------> I promise you

I will go to see your husband : la je sais pas ce que tu veux dire .... explique
Posté le 3 nov. 2011
Oups desolé , certitude de mes reponses 20/20
Posté le 3 nov. 2011
Dear Mrs. Jobs,

I am writing to you to tell you how much I appreciated your husband. He was an extraordinary man! He created the Mac, I pod, I phone, I pad and many others technolgies. You don't know, how am I grateful to him.When I heard that Mr. Jobs passed away, you don't know, how much I cried. Today, I am thinking about all I can do, and I am very disappointed because the products will be not the same as before. What would I have been, if he never had created them! I think I could not speak, share photos, videos with my friends, my family in the USA, Australia and in many other country. It will be a disaster! My life would be so sad ! Hope it is good well for this terrible trial

I promise you, I will go and see your husband, because it is important for me and I think that it is for you too.

Yours truly

John Brent

Posté le 3 nov. 2011
You don't know, how I am grateful to him. petite correction en relisant

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