Spaces and Exchanges

Publié le 13 mai 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 18 mai 2015 dans 9A
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Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Spaces and Exchanges


-Black Britons p 80 New Bridges (study)

-Camdem Market document 

-The Christmas Number One (study)


I'm going to talk about the notion of myths and heros. To begin with I'd like to give a definition of hero. According to me,this notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world. I would like to illustrate this notion through the Britain as a place which show the diversity of cultures.Is Britain a multicultural place ?To start with, I’m going to speak about the origins of the diversity of cultures, then I will describe Camdem Market a multicultural place in Britain, and finally we will see Chritmas Truce a multicultural tradition event.


I/ The origins of the diversity of cultures


To begin, Britain is a country composed of people from various ethnic groups. Since the WWII, people from different countries such as Asia, India and China come to live in Britain, bringing with them their families, their skills and cultures. We show an exemple in a press article from the Guardian, published in 2011in the New Bridges p.80-81.It deals with the integration of black people from the Caribbean and African heritage in Britain.Before the sixties, their countries of origin were very strong, thus they felt more Black than British. But troughout the decade, black people started to feel more and more British, and they may consider themselves "Black Britons". Nowaday,  they are well-integrated and don't feel any distinction between their etnicity and nationalities,  since new generetions were born and bred in Britain. So we can say that the diversity of origins in
Britain is a benefit,  being Britain doesn't refer to any ethnical identity, but means belonging to political union.But in the meantime, people who are from British origins feel closer to their region, or even to Europe. Indeed,  the English and the Scots don't have the same cultural heritage, and the links between the members of the union are weakening. Britain has always been multicultural and the British identity is made of contrast,  although might be the begining of a new era, where people tend to open their minds to wider borders. ..


II/ Camdem Market, a multi-cultural place in Britain.


Therefore, today, in England we can discover cultures, through music art, languages, cuisines...Besides,Camdem Market is now one of the lagest Market of the UK and illustrates a great exemple of the diversity of citizens like we have seen in a document concerning the place. In the biggining, people living on the fringe of the society came to Camdem to be with others who were doing the same. As a result,Camdem Town is best know for fashion and famous for punk since the 1970's century. Furthermore,punk were young people were anti-government, anti-popular music and anti-fashion. Whereas,Punk music was loud, wild and breaking all rules. Punk styles was the same. Howether,punks created their own cheap fashion with torn clothes, safety pins and spiky hair. Also,British fashion have he's importance of creativity, it's important all around the world. So much so that lots of the kind of trends came to London. They are less commun and ot's maybe why people all over the world come to these market to buy some clothes, tatoo themselves here or just take photo of what they increadibly saw. Now it's an area where tried and true punks, young skater kids, and rastafarians can happily walk side-by-side. It also become the must seen for any tourist from Spain, German or Japan according from the text. There are similarly an exchange between tourist and Punk. To take a photo of a punk you'll give them 1 pound and if you want them stick there middle finger and their thong out you'll pay more for better service. Consequently, this kind of exchange help punk like Ged which help for his drinking problem and hairspray addiction to style is Mohawk.


III/ Christmas Truce, a multi-cultural tradition event


Now, I'm going to talk about the 100th years of the Christames Truce which is the fact when the brave soldiers of the WW1 laid down their arms on christams days in 1914. Nevertheless,the event was not forget by British as German and for the event they organised a charity event to help the British Red Cross to raise money cause in the past the association deployed more than 90,000 personnel to help the wounded and injured during WW1. Thus,the event was organised by the Peace Collectives joined by many music stars like Mick Jones or Holly Johnson. Moreover,the new track features a some schoolboy British and German footballers to illustrate the notion of togetherness. In addition,this song let's all remember how the spirit of Christmas took precedence over man's need to fight and create wars. An absolute beautiful song recalling that moment in history 100 years ago when soldiers chose peace for the one Christmas night. A moment that should become a lifetime so our children, grandchildren can live in Peace.



To put it in a nutschell, I believe that this exchange of culture has helped the Britain to progress towards respect, curiosity and sharing. The notion are really important in our today world, because people love discovering new cultures, which help us to become better every day despite event from the past like war. To conclude, we could ask us how UK take part in international event all over the world ?

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 13 mai 2015

Comme pour tes autres notions essaie de ne pas finir ta conclusion par une question.

Tu n'as pas parlé du melting pot dans cette notion et je trouve ça dommage. Après essaie de la caser dans la première partie en une phrase

Posté le 13 mai 2015

Ou sinon juste écrire en ouverture : In the same way, other countries know a diversity of people like in America since the Melting Pot.

Posté le 13 mai 2015

J'en ai pas parlé parce que je pensais que c'était plus par rapport au gens qui ont immigrés aux USA non ?

Et concernant l'ouverture je peux mettre ça non ?

: In the same way, the UK still takes part in international events as the International Hapiness Day or World Water Day.

Posté le 13 mai 2015

Tu n'as pas tort ça concerne les USA. Tu peux donc remplacer ta question par la phrase que tu as écrit en commentaire et finir en ouverture par le melting pot

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