synthèse d'anglais : spaces and exchanges

Publié le 9 avr. 2019 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 11 avr. 2019 dans 5A

Sujet du devoir

faire une synthèse sur la notion spaces and exchanges a partir de la thématique vue en cours qui est ici les frontières du Canada.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I will introduce the concept of spaces and exchanges. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each others. An exchanges is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. Now there are different exchanges like economic, cultural or immigration. So to represent spaces and exchanges I go to talk about the immigration in Canada. We can wonder what can drive people to cross borders ? For this I go to talk in first part of welcoming british children to canada, then of the American slave and finally of the refugees from the vietnam war.

First of all Home Children was the child migration program founded by Annie MacPherson. From 1869 through to 1939 it has been estimated over 100,000 children were emigrated from the United Kingdom to Canada to be used as indentured farm workers and domestic servants. Believed by Canadians to be orphans, only two percent truly were. For the most part, these children were not picked up from the streets but came from intact families, who, through sickness or even death of one of their parents, had fallen on hard times. The child migration program was born during the Industrial Revolution. Abandoned British children lived and died in the streets and workhouses were overcrowded. With the listening comprehension studied in class we understand that there were some children welcomed but there were maltreat like slave.

Slavery is another reason for crossing borders. American slaves crossed the border between the United States and Canada to regain their freedom because Canda has abolished slavery 30 years before the USA did. So the unerdground railroad allowed thousands of black fugitives to escape the southern slave.

After the war, tens of thousands of Vietnamese boat people were also admitted and became a unique part of Canadian life.After the fall of South Vietnam in April 1975, hundreds of thousands of refugees, calle boat people, fled Vietnam and adjacent nations. According to Canadian immigration historian Valerie Knowles, from 1979 to 1980 Canada admitted an estimated 60,000 of these refugees, "most of whom had endured several days in small, leaky boats, prey to vicious pirate attacks, before ending up in squalid camps". Knowles says it was the highest number of boat people accepted by any nation, including the United States, during that period. there were also deserters from the American forces who also made their way to Canada. There was pressure from the United States and Canada to have them arrested, or at least stopped at the border.


Je n'arrive pas à conclure, je sais qu'il faut reprendre la problematique et y répondre mais je bloque quand même 


2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 10 avr. 2019

Hello ! 

Alors, déjà ne dis pas I go to talk, mais plutôt I will talk ou mieux I will explain. 

Pour la conclusion, tu peux donc dire qu'il existe plusieurs raisons qui poussent les personnes à passer les frontières (travail, malheureusement l'esclavage ou encore pour des raisons politiques). Tu peux regrouper tes notions de spaces et exchanges avec la globalisation, le monde se tranforme en un seul et même pays par les migrations. 


Bon courage, 

Marion :) 

Posté le 10 avr. 2019

D'accord merci je vais changer ça et finir ma conclusion et juste est ce que du coup c'est assez bien ou pas, pour avoir un avis avant de passer ? :) 

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