Devoirs d'expression écrite en anglais 2

Publié le 13 sept. 2014 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 20 sept. 2014 dans 9A
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Sujet du devoir

Ce sujet est assez long, j'ai fais un plan avec des exemples. Tout est rédigé mais je ne sais pas si il y a des fautes, je pense... Pouvez vous me le dire? Merci d’avance.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voici le texte rédigé en anglais :

Relationships of any kind are built on similarities but also many differences. We will annalyser how differences between people can enrich relationships? First, we'll look at the differences can bring knowledge and experience. Then we will see the differences, bring people with curiosity and memories for themselves.

For starters, it's not because two people do not look alike that they can not get along. "The opposite attract". Moreover, as in A, the narrator knows nothing about literature, but it does not mean he will not listen to Mr Fonseka. On the contrary: "I Knew scarcely a thing about the world of literature, he aims Welcomed me with unusual and interesting stories." Mr Fonseka, these knowledge sharing. This results in a great friendship. The amitiée as love can be born of nothing. And learn to discover the other is one of the most beautiful thing. But not only teach someone new to something closer links. As the narrator touched by Mr. Fonseka ". It Was the anonymity of the stories and the poems That Went deepest into me"

Finally, we can see in others, the people different from us, lost memories. Loved that person so it is different can make us feel ourselves also. Relationships are not all meant to work but it is not the differences that destroyed. In document B for example, is madly in love with Elias Pembe. However, they do not resembles at all, but just as he said. "This unfathomable, Almost enigmatic attraction That he felt for her, a woman so alien to the life he had led, was like a childhood memory coming back" The differences closer. Curiosity, the desire to get to know this to be so different from us is also the basis of a relationship.

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 13 sept. 2014

J'ai oublié d'envoyer la conclusion :

The differences can bring people to the grace curioisité, the possibility that the other can we ensigner things ... The differences create sharing that is so in love, Amite, relations with travails. If we were all the same they would not have to discuss, advice and sharing. Differences that's life!

Posté le 14 sept. 2014

knowledges and experiences

enleve le the devant differences , how c'est mieux

can bring people

curiosity and memories for themselves ?

On dit pas vraiment For starters en anglais tu peux dire : At the Beginning / First and Formost/

Avant tes citaions tu peux mettre Indeed ou As a matter of fact

Je ne peux pas vraiment comprendre étant donnée que c'est sur un sujet spécial mais je ne vois pas d'autres fautes :)

Posté le 15 sept. 2014

Relationships of any kind are built on similarities but may also present many differences. We will analyze how differences between people can enrich relationships. First, we'll look at how differences can bring knowledge and experience. Then we will see how these differences, bring people  curiosity and memories for themselves.
For a start, it's not because two people do not look alike that they can not get along with each other. It is widely known that"The opposite attract". Moreover, as in A, the narrator knows nothing about litterature, but it does not mean he will not listen to Mr Fonseka. On the contrary: "I Knew scarcely a thing about the world of literature, he aims Welcomed me with unusual and interesting stories." Mr Fonseka, shares his knowledge. This results in a great friendship. The amitiée as love can be born of nothing. And learn to discover the other is one of the most beautiful things that exist. But not only teaching someone you've just met a new concept creates links. As the narrator touched by Mr. Fonseka ". It Was the anonymity of the stories and the poems That Went deepest into me"
Finally, we can see in others, the people different from us, lost memories. Loved that person so it is different can make us feel ourselves also. Relationships are not all meant to work but it is not the differences that destroy them. In document B for example, is madly in love with Elias Pembe. However, they do not resemble at all, but just as he said. "This unfathomable, Almost enigmatic attraction That he felt for her, a woman so alien to the life he had led, was like a childhood memory coming back" The differences make them get closer. Curiosity, the desire to get to know this to be so different from us is also the basis of a relationship.

To conclude, we can say that differences can lead people to great curiosity, the possibility that the other can teach us new things... The differences create sharing that is so in love, Amite, relations with work. If we were all the same they would not have to discuss, advice and sharing. Differences are life!

Posté le 17 sept. 2014

Merci beaucoup à vous deux! J'ai tout maintenant! Merci encore :)

Posté le 20 sept. 2014

je pense que c'est bon mais je ne suis pas une pro donc je peut avoir rater des fautes


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