correction orthographe et conjugaison

Publié le 2 nov. 2019 il y a 4A par fofototoclara - Fin › 5 nov. 2019 dans 4A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, pour un exposé j'ai du écrire ceci, c'est un développement de la naissance de la langue anglaise, pour mon sujet je sais que tout est bien mais pour ma conjugaison et mon orthographe je ne suis pas sûr malgré plusieurs réecriture.

Est ce que vous pouvais, s'il vous plait, corrigé les erreurs d'orthographe, de conjugaison qui m'aurait échapper ? Merci !

le texte:

English language is the third most spoken language in the World, It spoken in England, in united states of america, in ireland and many other countries.It is considered by many people to the dominant international language in the world and it is of one of the six official languages of “United Nations” ONU in french.


First, the english language come from England, it derives mainly from northern germanic countries tribes, such Anglo and Saxon, and also Normand and French words.

At the beginning, when the Germanic tribes left their land, Christian conquerors settled in and brought several Latin words with them as “martyr” or “font”.

Who will be massacred by the Vikings. All of this period of the English language will be called later "the old english" to differentiate with "the middle english" which will start with the conquest of england by the normans and which will be to speak during all the middle age in england. During the renaissance will be born "the Early Modern English" also called “the language of Shakespeare”, an older version of our "modern English".


Actually, As English is spoken by several countries in the world, everyone has to change the English language in his own way, often by combining it with the native language of the country. As the "Spanglish" a mix between English and Spanish or English from Montreal, a city in Canada in the provinces of Quebec where we speak French. Because they are surrounded by english speaking people, the canadians from quebec combines English and French. There is also the "globish" which is a "simple" version of the English language which is easier for non-English speakers because it is shorter and more complicated than English.


finally, the English language is a language that has become much more complex over the years and is enriched according to the territories where it is spoken, which makes it a universal language.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

J'ai réussit à maitriser mon sujet mais malgré plusieurs correction je ne suis pas sur de mon orthographe et mes conjugaisons.

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