Correction sur un texte d'une analyse de chanson

Publié le 29 mai 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 31 mai 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

J'aimerai que quelqu'un me corrige mon analyse sur cette chanson de Green day qui est 21th Century Breakdown.
Les parole an anglais sont ici :,p67833

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Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Green day : 21th Century Breakdown

Green Day is an American punk rock trio, originally from Berkeley, California, formed in 1987. The group was composed for the majority of its existence, guitarist and singer Billie Joe Armstrong, bassist Mike Dirnt and drummer Tre Cool. 21st Century Breakdown (released May 15, 2009) is the eighth studio album by Green Day and their second rock opera. He received, in February 2010, the Grammy for Best Rock Album at the Grammy Awards.
21st Century Breakdown is a song from this album the same name. The opera tells the story of Christian characters and Gloria, lost in the post-Bush America. Who must "take care of each other because nobody else will take care of them"

The song begins with the evocation of the Birth of President Nixon and one Christian. (L1 : Born into Nixon I was raised in hell)

Overall, this song represents the legacy of the "elders" who have destroyed the American dream. He says that here:
“We are the class of'13
Born in the era of humility
We are the desperate in the decline
Raised by the bastards to 1969” (L26 to 29)

It calls into question the previous generation He compares the previous generation so negative (Raised by the bastards to 1969” l29). He says his childhood was marked by a difficult life because of social problems. For example, at line 5 : “My town was blind from refinery sun”. Green day spa uses pejorative see bloody: “I was made of poison and blood
Condemnation is what I understood” l 21-22

Green Day refer to key events in American history. For example:" Video games to the tower's fall” l24 which refers to September 11, 2001.He refers to the questioning of wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. L17 to 18:
«Homeland security
could kill us all"
L33 : “4th of July” The date of the Declaration of Independence of the United States July 4, 1776. It involves the entire nation : l35 "I'm a nation"

In the second part of the song, he expresses his injuries. The second part of the song especially for the lies of the state, including the conduct in wartime. The ending is a bit of a cry of despair over the collapse of the American Dream (Dream America, America scream).

Finally, Green Day says in the song that the 21st century has collapsed because of the older generation. It uses historical references such as the war in Iraq or September 11. He shouted his character, Christian, giving an effect of despair.

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