Discour direct - Discour indirect

Publié le 24 avr. 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 27 avr. 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

Exercice 2
Transposez au discour indirect. Attention a l’amorce proposée

1.At breakfast, this morning he said : ‘I’ll be very busy today’.
Three days have passed an I remember that …

2. I heard you say: ‘I’ve promised to meet him at the airport this evening.’
Aweek ago, Iheard you say that…

3.’Where will you be tomorrow’, he said to her, ‘in case I have to ring you.’
Before leaving London, a month ago, he…

4.’I’m sure I called you a long time ago,’ he explained to her.
A week after, he explained to her…

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

1. Three days have passed and I remember that he willed be very busy today.
2. A week, I heard you say that he had promised to meet him at the airport this evening.
3. Before leaving London a month ago he said to her in car I had to ring you.
4. A week after, he explained to her he sure he had called they a long time ago.

Je voudrais savoir si mes phrase sont juste et si elles sont fausse pouvez vous me les corriger.

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