Rédaction Publicité Oasis Correction

Publié le 20 déc. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 30 déc. 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Je dois faire une rédaction sur une publicité ,j'ai choisi celle de Oasis ,& la décrire ,l'expliquer ,dire quel est le public visé.J'aurais besoin d'une correction ,voici ma rédaction.

I chose to interested me in Oasis's ad .We'll analyse,first ,element which composing the ad and we'll describe it,then we'll interested in target,population which is aimed and in the image of the brand is conveyed .We'll try to explain the ad.

I wanted to analyse last picture of the commercial. On the last image we can see ,in the background,jungle with a waterfall on the right. The background represents the setting of fruit’s adventures. In the foreground ,there are products which sold:sodas. Several bottles are laid ,there is a effect of perspective ;a bottle is in front and all the others are behind. At the top of the commercial ,we see the brand's slogan which is “Fruits,spring water and fun !”.It's in white so it contrasts with bright colors in background (green,blue).The logo is on bottles,in the middle .It's circle ,the brand is writing in red,in diagonal. In the circle ,there are leaves in corners ,water in middle. The last picture seen by consumer it's picture with fruits flying-They have search water ,the rod is acting).

At the beginning of Oasis's ad,we see fruits which are searching water with a divining rod. They are tired ,they may have walk all the day. They stop a while and mandarin makes fun of peach (she is complaining)others fruits are laughing. Suddenly,divining rod is moving ,fruits are flying. They are hanging to a “volcano” which is fulling water ,they are above void,they are buttonhole each another. Mandarin,the leader,is trying to reassure others-in vain others are scared. The “volcano”is breaking ,fruits falling in water. They are happy ,they have finally found water. Then ,they are on a trunk it's peaceful. Apricot charms peach ,others saying “shut up !” ;they see they gonna fall in waterfall,they are calling out. In fact,they fall in logo -we see fall in bottles.

The target is all the population .It's aimed ,mostly, Children because ad is funny so children gonna ask to parents to buy them and people who cares about his appearance because there are just “fruits and spring water”(slogan). Everybody can drink Oasis. Thee brand gives a image of itself very funny thanks to fruits and especially with lines :”We gonna ,all of us,ripen” in order to say “We gonna ,all of us,die” or “I'm fruiiiit !”-when mandarin jumps of happiness- .

This ad explains in Oasis there are only water ,fruits ;it's good for health. It’s without conservators and colorants. It's all good in Oasis. When we drink Oasis you make fun ,it's a drink to make a party. Water which is show during all the ad symbolizes that Oasis is natural. We aren’t getting weight. The setting (jungle) represents nature so it means if you'll drink Oasis you'll stay in good health. In a nutshell Oasis is a product good for us because it's just “spring water ,fruits and fun !”.

Oasis's ad catches my attention because it's funny;fruits are amazing with “We gonna ,all of us ,ripen”.I think also that Oasis is known to all of us ,everybody had hear to this ad ,she is very famous. Yes I would buy product but I'm not very objective :I have already taste Oasis's sodas. I don't believe in this idea which is “all is natural in Oasis”.All products have conservators ,colorants or additives and we know they aren't good for our health. So why Oasis don't have conservators and other products?This slogan is for marketing but it doesn't show reality.

Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider SVP?
Bonne soirée.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voici mon travail :
I chose to interested me in Oasis's ad .We'll analyse,first ,element which composing the ad and we'll describe it,then we'll interested in target,population which is aimed and in the image of the brand is conveyed .We'll try to explain the ad.

I wanted to analyse last picture of the commercial. On the last image we can see ,in the background,jungle with a waterfall on the right. The background represents the setting of fruit’s adventures. In the foreground ,there are products which sold:sodas. Several bottles are laid ,there is a effect of perspective ;a bottle is in front and all the others are behind. At the top of the commercial ,we see the brand's slogan which is “Fruits,spring water and fun !”.It's in white so it contrasts with bright colors in background (green,blue).The logo is on bottles,in the middle .It's circle ,the brand is writing in red,in diagonal. In the circle ,there are leaves in corners ,water in middle. The last picture seen by consumer it's picture with fruits flying-They have search water ,the rod is acting).

At the beginning of Oasis's ad,we see fruits which are searching water with a divining rod. They are tired ,they may have walk all the day. They stop a while and mandarin makes fun of peach (she is complaining)others fruits are laughing. Suddenly,divining rod is moving ,fruits are flying. They are hanging to a “volcano” which is fulling water ,they are above void,they are buttonhole each another. Mandarin,the leader,is trying to reassure others-in vain others are scared. The “volcano”is breaking ,fruits falling in water. They are happy ,they have finally found water. Then ,they are on a trunk it's peaceful. Apricot charms peach ,others saying “shut up !” ;they see they gonna fall in waterfall,they are calling out. In fact,they fall in logo -we see fall in bottles.

The target is all the population .It's aimed ,mostly, Children because ad is funny so children gonna ask to parents to buy them and people who cares about his appearance because there are just “fruits and spring water”(slogan). Everybody can drink Oasis. Thee brand gives a image of itself very funny thanks to fruits and especially with lines :”We gonna ,all of us,ripen” in order to say “We gonna ,all of us,die” or “I'm fruiiiit !”-when mandarin jumps of happiness- .

This ad explains in Oasis there are only water ,fruits ;it's good for health. It’s without conservators and colorants. It's all good in Oasis. When we drink Oasis you make fun ,it's a drink to make a party. Water which is show during all the ad symbolizes that Oasis is natural. We aren’t getting weight. The setting (jungle) represents nature so it means if you'll drink Oasis you'll stay in good health. In a nutshell Oasis is a product good for us because it's just “spring water ,fruits and fun !”.

Oasis's ad catches my attention because it's funny;fruits are amazing with “We gonna ,all of us ,ripen”.I think also that Oasis is known to all of us ,everybody had hear to this ad ,she is very famous. Yes I would buy product but I'm not very objective :I have already taste Oasis's sodas. I don't believe in this idea which is “all is natural in Oasis”.All products have conservators ,colorants or additives and we know they aren't good for our health. So why Oasis don't have conservators and other products?This slogan is for marketing but it doesn't show reality.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 21 déc. 2010
Bonjour SauceTomate,

Je trouve que ce que tu as concocter plus haut est très très bon =)
Continue comme cela! Bonnes Vacances! A bientôt,


Benjamin CNED 3ème
Posté le 28 déc. 2010
Merci de m'avoir lue -en entier-^^
Bonnes vacances à toi aussi :D

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