Besoin d'aide pour une comprehension de texte

Publié le 29 nov. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 2 déc. 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Bonsoir, en fait voilà, j'ai un devoir à faire, mais je galére tropp, et c'est pour cela que je viens vous demander de l'aide . Si vous pourriez m'aider, ça serait trop sympas :)
Merci d'avançe:D

Voici les questions :
1)Why is the author interesting from an historical point of view?

2) What is he advocating? On which grounds

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Et le texte avec mes reponses, d'apres ce que j'ai pu comprendre:
“For the finest race in the world”

“ I say that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. Just imagine what change there would be if those parts that are at presents inhabited by the most inferior human beings were brought under Anglo-Saxon influence. Think of the extra employment a new country added to our dominions would give (…) . The acquisition of the greater parts of the world under our rules would simply mean an end to all wars . (…) Africa is still lying ready for us , it is our duty to take it “.
Mes réponses :
1)On my opinion, I guess it is interesting because throught this text, the idea of nazisme, the superiority of the race aryenne is based on this text .

2) The superiority of imperial colonies is advocating . They affirm that they are the “finest race” . It means they are the best on all others, by thus fact, they have the power to dominate all the colonies.

Merci beaucooouppp

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 30 nov. 2010
Bonjour Grego,

Voici tes réponses corrigés:

"1)In my opinion, I guess it is interesting because through this text, the idea of Nazism, the superiority of the Aryan race is based on this text .

2) The superiority of imperial colonies are advocating. They affirm that they are the "finest race". It means they are the best out of all the others, by thus fact, they have the power to dominate all the colonies."


Benjamin CNED 3ume

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