Devoir 6 Anglais

Publié le 16 janv. 2017 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 22 janv. 2017 dans 7A

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Bonjour , je suis à mon 6éme devoir d'anglais et je bloque sur 2 questions.

Merci d'avance

Sujet :

Humble Eskimo lolly gives tourist a bad taste

Tuesday Apr 21, 2009

It’s as much a staple of New Zealand sweet confectionery as pineapple lumps and spearmint leaves, but the marshmallow Eskimo has been deemed offensive to native Canadians and may require a makeover. Canadian tourist Seeka Lee Veevee Parsons, 21, an Inuit of the Nunavut Territory in Canada, was shocked when she found the lollies for sale last week, saying they are an insult to her people.
The word Eskimo was unacceptable in her country and carried with it negative racial connotations, she told the Taranaki Daily News.
The correct term was Inuit, Ms Parsons said.
“I was taken aback. When I was a little girl white kids in the community used to tease me about it in a bad way. It’s just not the correct term.”
She intends sending packets of the iconic confectionery to the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and her grandfather, an Inuit tribal elder in the Nunavut Territory.
Not only has the name of the lolly aroused painful memories, she believes the shape is an unfair stereotype of her people.
“We are much more of a people than that image. We have deep ties to the land and an ancient culture and I think we should be recognised as that and not just a marshmallow figure.”
A spokesman for Cadbury/Pascall, which makes the sweets, said the product had been in the market for many years and it was never their intention to offend anyone.

He was unable to say whether the lolly shape and name would be changed now they had been made aware it had caused offence.
                                                                   NEW ZEALAND Herald (Auckland)

Alex (Auckland City), 10:30AM Tuesday, 21 Apr 2009

I do believe that she’s going a little overboard by taking offence to a lolly. That’s like saying ‘Kiwifruit’ should be changed to ‘New Zealand Fruit’. We’re not Kiwi birds, but that’s just a term that is recognised all around the world, much like the term ‘Eskimo’. What should we rename the lolly to be? ‘Inuit Lollies’? Certainly doesn’t have the same ring to it. While she’s at it, she should take a look at Aussie calling Chilly Bins ‘Eski’s’.

Questions :

10/ Complete with a suitable word from the text :

According to Ms Parsons, the correct term for ..............  was Inuit

11/ in the passage entitled 'Comments. Alex....' , indicate who the following pronouns refer to :

I = .......

She = ......

We = ......

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Je n'ai pas compris la question 10.

Pour la 11 : I = Alex

She = Seeka

We =

9 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 16 janv. 2017

bonjour !

pour la 10) "Acording to Ms Parsons the correct term for eskimo was inuit"

et pour la 11) I = alex je suis d'accord mais tu as fait une erreur she = Ms Parsons et we = new zealand's people (perso c'est ce que j'ai mis, je suis aussi au CNED ;))

Posté le 16 janv. 2017

Bonjour ,

Oh c'est cool ça on peut s'aider si tu veux :)

Posté le 16 janv. 2017

avec plaisir :)

Posté le 16 janv. 2017

je suis d'accord avec les réponses de c_nedienne

Posté le 16 janv. 2017

on s'en fout frere

Posté le 17 janv. 2017

"n'est-ce pas une réponse juste pour gagner un point ?"

Posté le 17 janv. 2017

Merci :)

Posté le 17 janv. 2017

Une_cnedienne, je te passe mon mail : :)

Posté le 17 janv. 2017

d'accord merci je t'envoie un mail :)

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