Discourt sur la cigarette

Publié le 30 avr. 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 3 mai 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, j'aimerai que l'on me corrige car je suis vraiment nul en Anglais !
Voici mon texte :)
le sujet c'est les cigarettes.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Making them of cigarettes use several manners reprehensible.
Cigarette is a product which gets a clientele of any ages,
Because it opens to the young people as to the oldest.
Making them of cigarettes innovate every time for incited people in smoked.
They incite people in smoked by reprehensible assert them that the cigarette has no effect on the health and which is thus harmless.
And innovate every time their cigarette, them create produced who attract the eye and which looks envi of gouté of tested.
In strength it will create a dependence, and the person will not can any more this untied of the cigarette.
The young people are more and more victims of the cigarette because they are the most fragile they want all tried and making them indeed have understood this wait, it is for it that they have create cigarettes to taste: for example
In the mint: royal menthol
In the strawberry: pink elephant
In the chocolate: black devil
Today black devil and pink elephant are forbidden the sale in France, because she have were recognized as, cigarettes which incited the young people in smoked.
More cigarettes have effects harmful on our health, because they consist of chemicals.
They entraine of the cancers of lungs and language.

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 30 avr. 2010

est-ce que tu pourrais donner ton texte en français? certaines phrases n'ont aucun sens lié au problème de traduction et je n'arrive pas à retrouver le français.
Posté le 30 avr. 2010
si elle ne veulent rien dire tu peux les modifier :)
je ne sais plus je l'ai fait directement sans écrire le français :/
Posté le 30 avr. 2010
si elle ne veulent rien dire tu peux les modifier :)
je ne sais plus je l'ai fait directement sans écrire le français :/
Posté le 30 avr. 2010
que voulais-tu dire par "making them of cigarettes"?
Posté le 2 mai 2010
The making of cigarettes use several reprehensible means.
Cigarette is a product which gets clients of any ages, it is open to young people and to the oldest.
The making of cigarettes innovates every time to encourage people to smoke.
The lobby of cigarettes prompt people to smoke by claiming that cigarettes have no effect on health and thus is harmless.
By innovating every time, they create a product which attracts the eye and which urges to taste and try.
In the long run, it will create a dependence and the person will not be able to stop smoking.
The young people are more and more victims of the cigarette because they are the most fragile, they want to try everything. The lobby have understood this because that's why flavoured cigarettes were created,for example: mint-flavoured are royal menthol, strawberry-flavoured are pink elephant and chocolate-flavoured are black devil.
Today black devil and pink elephant are forbidden for sales in France, because they were recognized as dangerous because these cigarettes were incitating young people to smoke.
More cigarettes have harmful effects on our health mostly due to the chemicals in it.
They lead to cancers of lungs and of tongue.

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