Publié le 17 mai 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 20 mai 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Je dois crée un texte sur une ado qui doit pousser sa mere a lui laisser son pc et la telé

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

- Hey Mom !
- Yes, what's up ?
- Nothing, without could i have a computer ?
- We already talked about it, it's no
- Why ?
- Because you can't not control yourself with an computer in your bedroom
- I would concentrate on my homework, it's promise !
- We'll see when you have better results
- you say, the news on TV are very important
- So ... the tv will be limited for you !
- Oh ! Thanks mom, and for my computer ? without my pc, i couldn't transfer any more my musics on my Ipod
- I know, the day , your computer will stay in my bedroom and when you will get back you will take it
- Thanks you so much mom,

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 17 mai 2010
Une correction..
Posté le 18 mai 2010

les arguments de l'ado ne sont pas super convaincants.
Je corrige et j'ajoute deux-trois trucs:

- Hey Mom !
- Yes, what's up ?
- Nothing, could I have a computer in my room?
- We already talked about it and the answer is no.
- Why ?
- Because you can not control yourself with an computer in your bedroom
- I would concentrate on my homework, I promise !
- We'll see when you have better results at school.
- You say that news on TV are very important. It would be easier to have one on my own, wouldn't it?
- Okay for the tv. But tv time will be restricted !
- Oh ! Thanks mom, and for a computer? Without my pc, I can't transfer my music on my Ipod any more. I'm sure I would be more efficient on my homeworks and personal research with a computer in my bedroom. I'm old enough, I can be trusted.
- Right, however your computer will stay in my bedroom and when you get back from school you may take it. And you must return it before 10pm. Is that fair enough?
- Yes. Thanks you so much mom.

=> j'ai rajouté:
-Il serait plus simple d'avoir ma propre télé n'est-ce pas?
-D'accord pour la télé. Mais le temps de télé sera limité.

-Je suis sur que je serais plus efficace dans mes devoirs et mon travail personnel avec un ordinateur dans ma chambre. Je suis grand, je suis digne de confiance.
- (...). Et tu dois le remettre avant 22h. Cela te parait juste?
- oui

Donc l'ado a eu ce qu'il voulait mais la mère a mis des conditions.
Arguments: l'âge, la confiance, le travail à l'école, le respect des règles établies.

Cela te convient-il?
Posté le 18 mai 2010
Oui merci beaucoup de ton aide :D

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