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Publié le 15 janv. 2017 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 18 janv. 2017 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

complétez les phrases à l'aide des mots suivants : socialize - devices - internet - addicted - share - virtual - interactive - sensitive

a) today, ...VIRTUAL.. reality and the ...DEVICES... enable people to have fun.
b) some people are ...ADDICTED... to new technologies.
c)a lot of people say that modern ....INTERNET... make our lives easier.
d) she offered her son a cell phone with a high-tech touch ...SENSITIVE... screen.
e) he has created an ...SOCIALIZE... website that enables people to ..SHARE... and ..INTERACTIVE pictures with friends.

Dîtes moi si mes réponses sont correctes ou non ! merci d'avance :)

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 15 janv. 2017

today, ...VIRTUAL.. reality and the ..internet... enable people to have fun.
b) some people are ...ADDICTED... to new technologies.
c)a lot of people say that modern ....devices. make our lives easier.
d) she offered her son a cell phone with a high-tech touch ...SENSITIVE... screen.
e) he has created an interactive... website that enables people to socialize and share pictures with friends.

Posté le 15 janv. 2017

merci à toi tu es sur a 100 pourcent de t'es réponses?

Posté le 15 janv. 2017

an ...SOCIALIZE...

ça ne serait pas plutôt



today, ...VIRTUAL.. reality

un article?

Posté le 15 janv. 2017

j'ai pas compris ton aide...

Posté le 15 janv. 2017

oui !

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