Prepare a message to explain why you want to volunteer.

Publié le 4 déc. 2015 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 7 déc. 2015 dans 8A

Sujet du devoir

Prepare a message to explain why you want to volunteer.
1) First, choose a cause that is close to you heart. Explain what the charity does.
2) Secondly, give the reasons why you want to get involved in the charity (at least 4 reasons).
3) Explain what the benefits are. (For the people you will help and for you).
4) You want to convince your friends to involve themselves in the cause too. Explain what the benefits would be (for the people they would help and for them).
(Exemple: If you involved yourself in the charity, you would...)


Je doit passer 3 à 5 minutes à l'orale, est ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider svp.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Volunteering means different things to different people.
It’s giving a hand to a neighbour. It’s coaching a sport. It’s fund-raising for a cause close to your heart .It’s saving a life. It’s a very personal thing.
“It’s very rewarding you get something back. Also it doesn’t take a lot of your time. It makes a very big difference. People should really think about it.”
“To see somebody smile when you help them, it’s an unbelievable feeling.”
People from all backgrounds and all ages volunteer. They get involved to try something new, or share their experience, meet different people and make new friends. Volunteering is unpaid, you choose what to do. It can lead to better health, mental and physical.
And if you are thinking about getting a job or career development, the experience you gain as a volunteer can be very useful.
“The benefit for me would be it improves your CV and give you opportunities for work later on in life”
“Volunteering definitely means you build up your self-confidence, you build up your management skills, your time management and even with other people, your communication skills will improve”

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 4 déc. 2015

tu le traduire en français stp

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