quelqu'un peux me corriger please ?

Publié le 27 mars 2018 il y a 6A par Anonyme - Fin › 30 mars 2018 dans 6A

Sujet du devoir

j'ai un interview en anglais ou un reporter doit poser des questions à Cathy Freeman une athlète. Quelqu'un peux corriger si il y a des fautes please ?

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Reporter :Hello Cathy Freeman, I'm going to ask you some questions.

Cathy : Yeah ! Sure, go ahead.

Reporter : Ok, What are you doing before running, like hobbies or activities ?

Cathy : During my spend time, or before a running day, I like taking care of poor children, that help me to be happy, because when they smile, I smile. It's important to feel good about yourself after having help people in need.

Reporter : Yes I'm understand, I think it's a good thing, to help people. You must be very supported ? And what said your family about that ?

Cathy : My family support me and encourage me to continue. That's what I'll do ! For they were happy and pround of me. These children are my second family and I love them so much. I hope they became happy when they grew up.

Reporter : So I heard about charity organisation in which you participated. It's true ?

Cathy : Yes I've participated in a many charity organisation. In Africa, in South of America, more exactly in Bresil, Mexico, Buenos Aires y Cuba, and of sure in Australia, at Broome, Kalgoorlie and Carnarvon. I achieve my goals and I proved to me I'm capable.

Reporter : Ok Mrs Freeman, one last question please, What is your motivation in your sport ? And What are you like that ?

Cathy : Good question, for first, my motivation become to my family and like I said before, the poor children are my source of encouragement. I like This sport because, when I run, I forget my worries. I if I lose, I don't care because I'll do for me, my family and the children. I always be Happy ! It's my rule.

Reporter : Cathy, Thank you for your moving, I was verry happy to ask you these questions and especially to meet you. Good bye !

Cathy : Yeah me too, I had a great time with you, thank aat you. Good bye !!

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 27 mars 2018

J'ai fait ce que j'ai pu mais si je te change plus de choses, on va encore me dire que je refais le devoir à ta place. Donc j'ai corrigé le maximum de fautes. Il y a quelques phrases que je n'ai pas comprises donc il resterait des choses à changer mais dans l'ensemble ça ira. Bon courage

Reporter :Hello Cathy Freeman, I'm going to ask you some questions.

Cathy : Yeah ! Sure, go ahead.

Reporter : Ok, What do you do when you are not running, any hobbies or activities ?

Cathy : During my free time, or before a running day, I like taking care of poor children, that helps me to be happy, because when they smile, I smile. It's important to feel good about yourself after having helped people in need.

Reporter : Yes I understand, I think it's a good thing, to help people. You must be very supported ? And what do your family say about that ?

Cathy : My family supports me and motivates me to continue. That's what I'll do ! For they were happy and pround of me. These children are my second family and I love them so much. I hope they'llbecome happy when they'll have grown up.

Reporter : So I heard about charity organization in which you took part. It's true ?

Cathy : Yes I took part in a many charity organization. In Africa, in South of America, more exactly in Bresil, Mexico, Buenos Aires y Cuba, and of sure in Australia, at Broome, Kalgoorlie and Carnarvon. I achieved my goals and I proved to me I'm able.

Reporter : Ok Mrs Freeman, one last question please, What is your motivation in your sport ? And Why do you like it ?

Cathy : Good question, for first, my motivation comes from my family and like I said before, the poor children are my source of encouragement. I like this sport because, when I run, I forget my worries. If I lose, I don't care because I'll do for me, my family and the children. I'll always be Happy ! It's my rule.

Reporter : Cathy, Thank you for your moving, I was very happy to ask you these questions and especially to meet you. Good bye !

Cathy : Yeah so was I, I had a great time with you, thanks to you. Good bye !!


Posté le 28 mars 2018

merci pour ton aide !

Posté le 28 mars 2018

on va encore me dire que je refais le devoir à ta place.


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