Théâtre anglais sur les stéréotypes

Publié le 13 déc. 2019 il y a 4A par benjaminvalour15 - Fin › 16 déc. 2019 dans 4A

Sujet du devoir

 Bonjour, le sujet est que je dois faire un dialogue théâtrale sur les stereotype donnés. J edois y mettre des didascalie. Pouvez-vous me corriger puis ajouter les didascalies svp. Merci d'avance!

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voici ce que j'ai fais.


The scene takes place on Monday at school. My friend Roger and are talking about strereotypes for nationalities since we have an oral presentation.


Me: Hello Roger, let's start with the Germans 

Roger: So, the Germans are said to be blue-eyed and blond-haired people.

Me: This quite true, on my trip to Germany, I saw a lot of the blue-eyed and fair-haired people. Don't you that the English are good cooks?

Roger: Er, I don't agree, I don't think they are good cooks since when I was in England, I did not really like food. However, I have noticed that the English drink a lot of tea!

Me: Of course, you have the right not to agree but what do you think of the Americans

Roger: On the one hand, the Americans like to eat fast food. On the other hand, the Americans only drink soda and they are obese.

Me: This is ridiculous, I don't think the Americans are fat. In my view, the Ameicans are muscular. Otherwise, you're right about the rest, according to our English teacher who said the same thing you did 

Roger: You see, I say that because my friend went there and he said me that they are fat.

Me: What do you think about the Italians ?

Roger: You know, the Italians eat pasta and pizza. Do you agree about it ?

Me: Actually, I totally agree with you. We can even add that the Italians move their hands when they speak. The bell rang it's time to go to class. See you later Roger!

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