Aidez moi svp mercii

Publié le 24 sept. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 30 sept. 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

En fait il faut compléter la lettre .Une lettre écrit par Jonathan à Mina.
Sujet : Dracula

When I arrived at his castle ,the old man came to me and ..... in excellent englis,but whith a strange intonation: "Welcome to my home".
He also ..... that I ...... freely and leave some of the hapiness .... .

Concerning diner : He ........ eat and ....... Yet,he ...... to excuse him for ...... He .......that he ...... already .......dinner.He ...... somthing quite strange again concerning wine: He ..... never ..... wine.

We were both silent for a while,and as I looked towards the wodows I sa the first dim streak of the coming dawn.There seemed a strange stillness over everything.But as I listene,I heard the howling of many wolves.I was so frightened that ........ : " What was that, count ?"

The count's eyes gleame,and he ....... that they ...... children...... .

I immediately ..... that ..... wolves !But he did not seem to take any notice of my remark.He simply ...... something about my being an Englishman and therefore my incapacity to understand what was going on in Transylvania.

What a strange man,I am telling you,Mina.It seems that the castle is a veritable prison.

When he ...... me to writeto my firm and say ........ for a month I realized I was his prisoner !!

So I ...... if he ........ so long.And he only ........ that he ..... answer !!

I wonder if we,I mean you and I , my sweetest love,shall ever see each other again.

Ever your loving,

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

En fait il faut compléter la lettre .Une lettre écrit par Jonathan à Mina.
Sujet : Dracula

When I arrived at his castle ,the old man came to me and ..... in excellent englis,but whith a strange intonation: "Welcome to my home".
He also ..... that I ...... freely and leave some of the hapiness .... .

Concerning diner : He ........ eat and ....... Yet,he ...... to excuse him for ...... He .......that he ...... already .......dinner.He ...... somthing quite strange again concerning wine: He ..... never ..... wine.

We were both silent for a while,and as I looked towards the wodows I sa the first dim streak of the coming dawn.There seemed a strange stillness over everything.But as I listene,I heard the howling of many wolves.I was so frightened that ........ : " What was that, count ?"

The count's eyes gleame,and he ....... that they ...... children...... .

I immediately ..... that ..... wolves !But he did not seem to take any notice of my remark.He simply ...... something about my being an Englishman and therefore my incapacity to understand what was going on in Transylvania.

What a strange man,I am telling you,Mina.It seems that the castle is a veritable prison.

When he ...... me to writeto my firm and say ........ for a month I realized I was his prisoner !!

So I ...... if he ........ so long.And he only ........ that he ..... answer !!

I wonder if we,I mean you and I , my sweetest love,shall ever see each other again.

Ever your loving,

8 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 24 sept. 2010
As-tu déjà essayer de la compléter ?
Posté le 24 sept. 2010
Posté le 24 sept. 2010
OUI , mais pas en entier
Posté le 24 sept. 2010

Je vais t'aider un peu ti peu ;)

... When I arrived at his castle, the old man came to me and SAID in excellent English .............. He also SAID that I COULD ENTER freely and leave some of the happiness HERE.
Posté le 24 sept. 2010
Essaye de faire le reste toute seule mais si tu y arrives toujours pas, sache que je l'ai deja fais ;)
Posté le 25 sept. 2010
Mercii , mais vers la fin je n'y arrive pas !!
Mercii d'avance.
Posté le 25 sept. 2010
Pour pouvoir t'aider, il faudrait connaître le texte de départ ou bien le sujet de la leçon... Il y a beaucoup de réponses possibles alors nous ne pouvons pas t'aider efficacement si tu ne donnes pas plus de détails.
Posté le 27 sept. 2010
Peux-tu écrire le texte correctement, sans faute d'orthographe, sinon il est trop difficile à comprendre, notamment au niveau des temps.

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